Recent Updates
Total 2069Section 050. Returned merchandise |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 050. Florists and nurserymen |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 050. Factors and agents |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 050. Common carriers |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 050. Operator certification |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 051. Leases and rentals |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 055reg. Inactive status of license |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. Diversified operators |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. Replacement parts |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. Painters and finishers |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. Temporary and transient vendors |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. UST system release response and corrective action for UST systems containing petroleum or hazardous substances |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. Motor vehicle usage tax valuation |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. KPDES application requirements |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. Stream construction criteria |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. Releases from solid waste management units |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. Acid rain permits |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. Operating or deepening existing coal bed methane wells and drilling deeper than the permitted depth |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060. Criteria for the imposition and enforcement of sanctions against licensed premises |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |
Section 060reg. Equipment inventory and insurance |
Amendment | Updated: 07/30/2016 |