808 KAR 1:090. Stay of notice of intention to remove from office  

Latest version.
  •       Section 1. To obtain a stay of a Notice of Intention to Remove from Office, issued by the Commissioner pursuant to KRS 286.3-690(8), parties aggrieved by such Notice must follow the procedures set forth in Civil Rule 65 of the Kentucky Rules of Civil Procedure. (9 Ky.R. 391; eff. 10-6-82; TAm eff. 4-18-2007.)


      RELATES TO: KRS 286.3-690(10)


      NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: To define the procedures necessary to apply for a stay of a notice of intention to remove from office an officer or director of a bank. Such right to apply for a stay is provided by KRS 286.3-690(10).