704 KAR 10:022. Elementary, middle and secondary schools standards

Latest version.
  •       Section 1. Pursuant to the authority vested in the State Board for Elementary and Secondary Education by KRS 156.070 and 156.160, the Kentucky Standards for Accrediting Elementary, Middle and Secondary Schools, as amended on March 8, 1989, are presented herewith for filing with the Legislative Research Commission, and incorporated by reference.


          Section 2. Pursuant to the authority vested in the State Board for Elementary and Secondary Education by KRS 156.160(2), nonpublic schools which voluntarily request accreditation shall be in compliance with all standards and indicators included in the Kentucky Standards for Accrediting Elementary, Middle and Secondary Schools limited to curriculum, textbooks, and staff certification. Schools shall address all standards and indicators except those marked "N/A" (not applicable). These Voluntary Nonpublic School Accreditation Standards, July, 1989, are presented herewith for filing with the Legislative Research Commission and incorporated herein by reference.


          Section 3. The procedures for the voluntary accreditation of individual nonpublic schools or related groups of such schools under common management and control shall be as follows:

          (1) All nonpublic schools or groups of schools which voluntarily request accreditation shall notify the Division of Accreditation by letter of their intentions.

          (2) An Instructional Services Advisor (I.S.A.) shall be assigned to a school and shall be the liaison between the school and the Department of Education. The I.S.A. shall provide the school with the department's self-study guide and provide technical assistance as needed.

          (3) An on-site team will visit each school to validate the school's self-study. This team shall be appointed by the Department of Education and shall consist of at least three (3) persons - an I.S.A., a local nonpublic school official and another Department of Education staff member.

          (4) An additional team member shall be appointed for each additional five (5) faculty members beyond fifteen (15).

          (5) A report shall be generated by the on-site team and a copy presented to the school or related group of schools. The school or related group of schools shall prepare a three (3) year plan of action to correct all noncompliance. The plan shall be monitored annually to assure that the plan of action is being implemented.

          (6) The school or related group of schools shall then be placed on a five (5) year accreditation cycle. The first year shall be the self-study and the on-site visit followed by a three (3) year plan of action, and the last year shall be devoted to updating the self-study.

          (7) State funds shall not be used for the accreditation of nonpublic schools. Such schools shall reimburse the Department of Education the total costs of accreditation certification, including necessary follow-up, either from their own funds or from any appropriate federal grants.


          Section 4. Any school or institution whose primary mission is to serve a student clientele (K-12) with unique needs that are outside the generally accepted operational range of students who attend public schools shall be classified and accredited under the category of Special School Accreditation.


          Section 5. A copy of all documents incorporated in this administrative regulation may be copied, inspected, and obtained from the Office of Research and Planning, Department of Education, Third Floor, Capital Plaza Tower, Frankfort, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. (3 Ky.R. 271; eff. 11-3-76; Am. 4 Ky.R. 322; eff. 5-3-78; 6 Ky.R. 60; eff. 9-5-79; 583; eff. 7-2-80; 8 Ky.R. 17; eff. 5-8-81; 918; eff. 4-7-82; 9 Ky.R. 257; eff. 9-8-82; 1038; 1209; eff. 8-3-83; 11 Ky.R. 253; eff. 10-9-84; 1078; eff. 2-12-85; 1885; eff. 7-9-85; 12 Ky.R. 420; eff. 11-12-85; 1166; eff. 2-4-86; 1872; eff. 7-2-86; 13 Ky.R. 1110; eff. 1-13-87; 1469; eff. 3-6-87; 14 Ky.R. 277; eff. 9-10-87; 15 Ky.R. 1564; eff. 2-3-89; 2170; eff. 7-7-89; 16 Ky.R. 206; eff. 10-8-89.)


      RELATES TO: KRS 156.160

      STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 156.070, 156.160

      NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 156.160 requires the State Board for Elementary and Secondary Education to adopt rules and administrative regulations relating to grading, classifying, and accrediting all common schools, and further allows private, parochial, and church schools to voluntarily comply with accreditation standards and to be so certified by the state board. This administrative regulation implements this duty by prescribing general standards to be used in evaluation of public elementary, middle and secondary schools, and of those nonpublic schools voluntarily seeking an accreditation evaluation.