600 KAR 3:010. Relocation assistance payments of the Transportation Cabinet  

Latest version.
  •       Section 1. Definitions. (1) "Advertising sign" means a billboard.

          (2) "Average annual net earnings" means one-half (1/2) of the net earnings of the business or farm operation before federal, state, and local income taxes during the two (2) taxable years immediately prior to the taxable year in which it was displaced. If the business or farm operation was not in operation for the full two (2) taxable years prior to displacement, net earnings shall be based on the actual period of operation at the displacement site during the two (2) taxable years prior to displacement, projected to an annual rate. Average annual net earnings may be based upon a different period of time when it is determined by the Transportation Cabinet to be more equitable.

          (3) "Business" means any lawful activity, except a farm operation, conducted:

          (a) Primarily for the purchase, sale, lease, or rental of personal or real property, or for the manufacture, processing, or marketing of products, commodities, or any other personal property; or

          (b) Primarily for the sale of services to the public; or

          (c) Primarily for outdoor advertising display purposes, when the display is required to be moved as a result of the project; or

          (d) By a nonprofit organization.

          (4) "Comparable replacement dwelling" means a dwelling which is:

          (a) Decent, safe, and sanitary;

          (b) Functionally equivalent to the displacement dwelling;

          (c) Adequate in size to accommodate the occupants;

          (d) In an area not subject to unreasonable adverse environmental conditions, and is not generally less desirable than the location of the displaced person's dwelling with respect to public utilities and commercial and public facilities and reasonably accessible to the person's place of employment;

          (e) On a site that is typical in size for residential development with normal site improvements, including customary landscaping. The site need not include special improvements such as outbuildings, swimming pools, or greenhouses;

          (f) Currently available to the displaced person on the private market; and

          (g) Within the financial means of the displaced person.

          (5) "Contributes materially" means that during the two (2) taxable years prior to the taxable year in which displacement occurs the business or farm operation:

          (a) Had average annual gross receipts of not less than $5,000; or

          (b) Had average annual net earnings of not less than $1,000; or

          (c) Contributed at least one-third (1/3) of the owner's or operator's average annual gross income from all sources.

          (6) "Control of the property" means that the Transportation Cabinet has paid the owner for the property to be acquired or if acquisition is by condemnation, the Transportation Cabinet has posted the purchase price of the property with the circuit court.

          (7) "Decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling" means a dwelling which meets local housing and occupancy codes, but at a minimum shall:

          (a) Be structurally sound, weather-tight, and in good repair;

          (b) Contain a safe electrical wiring system adequate for lights and other electrical devices;

          (c) Contain a heating system capable of sustaining a healthful temperature of approximately seventy (70) degrees for a displaced person;

          (d) Be adequate in size with respect to the number of rooms and area of living space needed to accommodate the displaced person. There shall be a separate, well-lighted and ventilated bathroom that provides privacy to the user and contains a sink and a toilet, all in good working order and properly connected to a source of water and to a sewage drainage system. In the case of a housekeeping dwelling, there shall be a kitchen area that contains a fully usable sink, properly connected to potable hot and cold water and to a sewage drainage system and adequate space and utility service connections for a stove and refrigerator;

          (e) Contain unobstructed egress to safe, open space at ground level. If the replacement dwelling unit is on the second story or above, with access directly from or through a common corridor, the common corridor shall have at least two (2) means of egress; and

          (f) If the displaced person is an individual with a disability, be free of any barriers which would preclude reasonable ingress, egress, or use of the dwelling by the displaced person.

          (8) "Displaced person" means a person who moves from the real property or moves his personal property from the real property, including a person who occupies the real property prior to its acquisition but who does not meet the length of occupancy requirements:

          (a) As a direct result of a written notice of intent of the Transportation Cabinet to acquire, or the initiation of negotiations for, or the acquisition of, the real property in whole or in part; or

          (b) As a direct result of a written notice of intent of the Transportation Cabinet to acquire, or the acquisition of, in whole or in part, other real property on which the person conducts a business or farm operation. However, eligibility under this subsection applies only for the purpose of obtaining relocation assistance advisory services and moving expenses.

          (9) "Dwelling" means the place of permanent or customary and usual residence of a person including a single-family house; a single-family unit in a two (2) family, multifamily, or multipurpose property; a unit of a condominium or cooperative housing project; a nonhousekeeping unit; a mobile home; or any other residential unit.

          (10) "Fair market value" means the amount at which property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts.

          (11) "Family" means two (2) or more individuals living together in a single-family dwelling unit who:

          (a) Are related by blood, adoption, marriage, or legal guardianship who live together as a family unit, plus all other individuals regardless of blood or legal ties who live with and are considered a part of the family unit; or

          (b) Are not related by blood or legal ties but live together by mutual consent.

          (12) "Farm operation" means any activity conducted solely or primarily for the production of one (1) or more agricultural products or commodities, including timber, for sale or home use, and customarily producing the products or commodities in sufficient quantity to be capable of contributing materially to the operator's support.

          (13) "Furnished dwelling unit" means a unit in which the furnishings are owned by someone other than the displaced person.

          (14) "An individual with a disability" means a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one (1) or more major life activities, has a record of an impairment or is regarded as having an impairment.

          (15) "Initiation of negotiations" means the delivery of the initial written offer of compensation to purchase the real property by the Transportation Cabinet to the owner or the owner's representative. If the Transportation Cabinet issues a notice of its intent to acquire the real property, and a person moves after that notice, but before delivery of the initial written purchase offer, the date of "initiation of negotiations" is the date of the actual move of the person from the property.

          (16) "Mortgage" means the classes of liens that are commonly given to secure advances on, or the unpaid purchase price of, real property, under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky together with the credit instrument, if applicable.

          (17) "Net earnings" means any compensation obtained from the business or farm operation by its owner or the owner's spouse the owner's dependents.

          (18) "No duplication of payment" means that the person shall not receive any payment under this administrative regulation if that person receives a payment under federal, state, or local law which is determined to have the same purpose and effect as the payment under this administrative regulation.

          (19) "Nonprofit organization" means an organization incorporated in the Commonwealth of Kentucky as a nonprofit organization under the provisions of KRS Chapter 273 and which is exempt from paying federal income taxes under the Internal Revenue Code (26 USC 501).

          (20) "Notice of intent to acquire" or "notice of eligibility for relocation assistance" means written notice furnished to a person who is to be displaced, which establishes eligibility for relocation benefits prior to initiation of negotiations.

          (21) "Owner of a dwelling" means a person who has purchased or holds any of the following interest in the real property:

          (a) Fee title, a life estate, a ninety-nine (99) year lease, or a lease including any options, for extension with at least fifty (50) years to run from the date of acquisition; or

          (b) An interest in a cooperative housing project which includes the right to occupy a dwelling; or

          (c) A contract to purchase any of the interests or estates described in paragraph (a) or (b) of this subsection; or

          (d) Any other interest, including a partial interest, which warrants consideration as ownership.

          (22) "Person" means any individual, family, partnership, corporation, or association.

          (23) "Persons not displaced" means but is not limited to the following:

          (a) One who moves before the initiation of negotiations, unless the Transportation Cabinet determines that the person was displaced as a direct result of the project; or

          (b) One who initially occupies the property after the date of its acquisition by the Transportation Cabinet; or

          (c) One who occupies the property for the purpose of obtaining assistance under this administrative regulation; or

          (d) One who the Transportation Cabinet determines is not displaced as a direct result of partial acquisition of the property; or

          (e) An owner-occupant who voluntarily conveys his property, after being informed in writing that if a mutually satisfactory agreement on terms of the conveyance cannot be reached, the Transportation Cabinet does not intend to acquire the property. In these cases, however, any resulting displacement of a tenant is subject to the provisions of this administrative regulation; or

          (f) A person who is determined to be in unlawful occupancy prior to the initiation of negotiations, or a person who has been evicted for cause, under applicable law; or

          (g) A person determined by the Transportation Cabinet to not be displaced because of another special condition.

          (24) "Purchases a dwelling" means, in addition to actually buying a dwelling, the following:

          (a) Purchases and rehabilitates a substandard dwelling; or

          (b) Relocates a dwelling which he owns or purchases; or

          (c) Constructs a dwelling on a site he owns or purchases; or

          (d) Contracts for the purchase or construction of a dwelling on a site provided by a builder or on a site the person owns or purchases; or

          (e) Currently owns a previously purchased dwelling and site, valuation of which shall be on the basis of current fair market value.

          (25) "Real property" means land, and generally whatever is erected or growing upon or affixed to land.

          (26) "Salvage value" means the probable sale price of an item if offered for sale on the condition that it is to be removed from the property at the buyer's expense, allowing a reasonable period of time to find a person buying with knowledge of the uses and purposes for which the item is adaptable and capable of being used, including separate use of serviceable components and scrap when there is no reasonable prospect of sale except on that basis.

          (27) "Small business" means a business having not more than 500 employees working at the site being acquired or displaced by the project where the site is the location of economic activity.

          (28) "Subsequent occupant" means any person who did not occupy the property at the time negotiations began for acquisition of the property and who is in occupancy at the time the property is acquired and who subsequently moves from the real property. Relocation assistance payments made to a subsequent occupant shall be through the provisions of Last Resort Housing in Section 30 of this administrative regulation.

          (29) "Tenant" means a person who has the temporary use and occupancy of real property owned by another.

          (30) "Uneconomic remnant" means a parcel of real property in which the owner is left with an interest after the partial acquisition of the owner's property, and which the Transportation Cabinet has determined has little or no value or utility to the owner.

          (31) "Unlawful occupancy" means that a person has been ordered to move by a court of competent jurisdiction prior to the initiation of negotiations or is determined by the Transportation Cabinet to be a squatter who is occupying the real property without the permission of the owner and otherwise has no legal right to occupy the property. The Transportation Cabinet may, at its discretion, consider a squatter to be in lawful occupancy.

          (32) "Utility costs" means expenses for heat, light, water, and sewer.


          Section 2. Applicability. (1) The payments and services set forth in this administrative regulation which involve a Transportation Cabinet project in which a person, business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization is required to relocate or discontinue operation shall be made regardless of whether federal funds are used or not used in the project.

          (2) If the Transportation Cabinet acquires real property on behalf of another agency that agency may authorize the cabinet to follow the provisions of this administrative regulation.


          Section 3. Relocation Notices - General. (1) Each relocation notice provided by the Transportation Cabinet shall be personally delivered or sent by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested.

          (2) As soon as feasible, a person scheduled to be displaced shall be notified of the possibility of his displacement. He shall also be furnished with a general written description of the relocation program which gives at least the following information:

          (a) Informs the person that he may be displaced because of the project and generally describes any relocation payment for which the person may be eligible, the basic conditions of eligibility, and the procedures for obtaining the payment;

          (b) Indicates that any person displaced shall be given reasonable relocation advisory services to help the person relocate successfully including housing referrals, help in filing payment claims and other necessary assistance;

          (c) Informs any displaced person lawfully occupying the property that he shall not be required to move without at least ninety (90) days advance notice except under the most unusual of circumstances;

          (d) Describes the person's right to appeal the determination of eligibility for, or the amount of, any relocation payment for which the person may be eligible;

          (e) Informs the person that in order to be eligible for benefits he is required to occupy the property at the time of initiation of negotiations and includes a definition of initiation of negotiations; and

          (f) Informs the displaced person that he cannot be required to move permanently unless at least one (1) comparable replacement dwelling has been made available.

          (3) Eligibility for relocation assistance shall begin on the date of initiation of negotiations for acquisition of the occupied property. At this time the Transportation Cabinet shall notify each occupant or family to be displaced in writing of his eligibility for relocation assistance.

          (4) A lawful occupant shall not be required to move unless he has received at least ninety (90) days advance written notice of the earliest date by which he may be required to move. Only in unusual circumstances, such as a substantial danger to the person's health or safety, shall an occupant be required to vacate the property on less than ninety (90) days advance written notice.

          (5)(a) At the initiation of negotiations the Transportation Cabinet shall give the displaced person a ninety (90) day notice.

          (b) The notice shall be either:

          1. A specific date which is the earliest date by which he shall be required to move; or

          2. A statement that before the displaced person is required to move from the property, he shall be given a thirty (30) day written notice specifying the date by which the property shall be vacated.

          (6)(a) The Transportation Cabinet may issue a notice to a displaced person specifying the date by which he is required to vacate the acquired property, if:

          1. The Transportation Cabinet has gained control of the property to be acquired;

          2. Sixty (60) or more days have passed since the issuance of a ninety (90) day notice; and

          3. Comparable replacement housing has been made available to the displaced person.

          (b) The required vacation date shall be at least thirty (30) days after the notice is issued.


          Section 4. Notice at Initiation of Negotiations. (1) The Transportation Cabinet shall furnish an owner-occupant of 180 days or more no later than seven (7) working days after the fair market value offer for the property, the following written information:

          (a) The maximum amount of his replacement housing computation and eligibility requirements to receive the payment;

          (b) The address of comparable housing used to compute the replacement housing payment;

          (c) The possibility of his eligibility to receive an increased interest payment, or payment of incidental expenses incurred in the purchase of replacement housing;

          (d) His option to rent rather than purchase replacement housing;

          (e) The availability of relocation assistance advisory services and how they may be obtained;

          (f) A ninety (90) day notice; and

          (g) His right to appeal.

          (2) The Transportation Cabinet shall furnish an owner-occupant of less than 180 days no later than seven (7) working days after the fair market value offer for the property, the following written information:

          (a) The maximum amount of a rental replacement housing payment and the maximum amount of a down payment for the purchase of replacement housing, as well as the requirements to receive these payments;

          (b) The address of comparable housing used to compute the replacement housing payment;

          (c) The requirements to receive reimbursement for incidental expenses;

          (d) The availability of relocation assistance advisory services and how they may be obtained;

          (e) A ninety (90) day notice; and

          (f) His right to appeal.

          (3) The Transportation Cabinet shall furnish a tenant-occupant of ninety (90) days or more, no later than seven (7) working days after the fair market value offer for the property, the following written information:

          (a) The amount of rental and purchase replacement housing payments and the eligibility requirements to receive these payments;

          (b) The address of the comparable housing used to compute the rental and replacement housing payments;

          (c) The requirements to receive reimbursement for incidental expenses;

          (d) The availability of relocation assistance advisory services and how they may be obtained;

          (e) A ninety (90) day notice;

          (f) His right to appeal; and

          (g) The date of the initiation of negotiations for the property.

          (4) The Transportation Cabinet shall furnish in writing to a subsequent tenant-occupant within seven (7) working days from the date the cabinet acquires the property the following information:

          (a) His eligibility to receive moving expense payments;

          (b) The availability of relocation advisory services and how they may be obtained;

          (c) Assurance that comparable replacement housing is available within his financial means; and

          (d) The ninety (90) day notice to vacate. This notice shall specify the date by which the property shall be vacated, and shall not be issued until comparable housing is available.


          Section 5. Alternate Notices. (1) The Transportation Cabinet may specify an alternative notification procedure to those established in Sections 3 and 4 of this administrative regulation if there are insufficient rental units available for the tenant-occupants of the acquired property.

          (2) If the Transportation Cabinet determines that an alternative notification procedures will be used, it shall not be required to make the replacement housing payment offer to the displaced tenants within the seven (7) working days specified in Section 4(3) of this administrative regulation.

          (3) The alternate notification procedure used by the Transportation Cabinet shall be as follows:

          (a) Contact the owner and make the fair market value offer for the property;

          (b) Within seven (7) working days, contact the tenants and give each a written statement which shall include:

          1. The date of initiation of negotiations for the parcel; and

          2. An explanation of the eligibility requirements to receive a rental replacement housing payment, or a down payment.

          (c) At the time the replacement housing payment is computed and the written statement required in paragraph (b) of this subsection is given the tenant, the ninety (90) day notice shall be included. The cabinet shall use the procedure in issuing the thirty (30) day vacation written notice as specified in Section 4 of this administrative regulation.

          (d) The thirty (30) day notice to vacate shall not be required if an occupant moves of his own volition prior to the date the Transportation Cabinet would have issued the notice.

          (4) A notice of intent to acquire the property shall be furnished to an owner or tenant only if it becomes necessary to establish eligibility requirements prior to negotiations on the parcel. This notice shall not be issued until acquisition has been authorized for the project. The notice of intent to acquire the property shall contain the following:

          (a) Statement of eligibility and any restrictions on eligibility;

          (b) The anticipated date of the initiation of negotiations for acquisition of the property; and

          (c) How additional information regarding relocation payments and services can be obtained.

          (5) If a notice of intent to acquire the property is given to an owner, the tenant shall be issued the notice within fifteen (15) days. The owner shall be given a copy of the notice issued to the tenant.

          (6)(a) When the Transportation Cabinet acquiring property results in a property being landlocked, the occupant of the landlocked property shall be considered displaced. The displaced occupant shall:

          1. Be eligible for relocation assistance; and

          2. Have one (1) year to obtain an occupied decent, safe and sanitary replacement housing.

          (b) The vacation date shall begin to run from either the date the Transportation Cabinet:

          1. Makes a payment for damages to the nonresident owner of the property; or

          2. Posts payment for damages in court.


          Section 6. Availability of Comparable Replacement Dwelling Prior to Displacement. (1) A person to be displaced shall not be required to move from his dwelling unless at least one (1) comparable replacement dwelling has been made available to the person. A comparable replacement dwelling shall be considered to have been made available to a person if:

          (a) The person is informed of its location;

          (b) The person has sufficient time to negotiate and enter into a purchase agreement or lease for the property; and

          (c) The person is assured of receiving the relocation assistance and acquisition compensation, subject to reasonable safeguards, to which the person is entitled in sufficient time to complete the purchase or lease of the property.

          (2) The requirements of subsection (1) of this section may be waived if the displaced person is required to move in case of an emergency situation which shall include:

          (a) A major disaster as described in Section 102(c) of the National Disaster Relief Act of 1974;

          (b) A presidentially declared national emergency;

          (c) Highway slides or floods; or

          (d) When continued occupancy would constitute a substantial danger to the health or safety or the occupants or the public.

          (3) If a person is required by the Transportation Cabinet to relocate for a temporary period due to an emergency, the Transportation Cabinet shall do the following:

          (a) Take the necessary steps to assure the person is temporarily relocated to decent, safe, and sanitary housing;

          (b) Pay actual reasonable out-of-pocket moving expenses and any reasonable increases in rent and utility costs incurred in connection with the temporary relocation; and

          (c) Make available to the displaced person as soon as feasible at least one (1) comparable replacement dwelling.

          (d) In the case of an emergency relocation, the date of displacement shall be the date the person moves from the temporarily-occupied dwelling. This date shall be used in:

          1. Filing a claim for relocation assistance; and

          2. Determining eligibility requirements for a relocation payment.


          Section 7. Relocation Advisory Services. (1) The Transportation Cabinet Advisory Services Program shall include the measures, facilities, and services that may be necessary or appropriate in order to:

          (a) Personally interview each family or person to be displaced to:

          1. Determine the person's relocation needs and preferences;

          2. Explain the relocation payments; and

          3. Explain other assistance for which the person may be eligible, including requirements for obtaining the assistance;

          (b) Provide current and continuing information on the availability, price and rental cost of comparable replacement dwellings, and explain that the person cannot be required to move unless at least one (1) comparable replacement dwelling is made available;

          (c) In order that the displaced person is made aware of the amount of the replacement housing payment to which he may be entitled, inform the displaced person, in writing, of:

          1. The specific comparable replacement dwelling;

          2. The price and rent used as a basis for establishing the upper limit of the replacement housing payment; and

          3. The basis for the determination;

          (d) If feasible, inspect the comparable housing prior to its being made available to assure that it is decent, safe and sanitary;

          (e) It shall be the policy of the Transportation Cabinet to provide a minority displaced person an opportunity to elect relocation to a replacement dwelling which is located outside an area of minority concentration if:

          1. It would not require the Transportation Cabinet to pay a larger relocation payment than is required by this administrative regulation; and

          2. It is within the financial means of the minority displaced person;

          (f) Offer the displaced person transportation to inspect housing to which he is referred;

          (g) Provide current and continuing information on the availability, location, purchase price, and rental cost of comparable and suitable commercial and farm properties. Assist any person displaced from a business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization to obtain and become established in a suitable replacement location;

          (h) Minimize hardships to persons in adjusting to relocation by providing counseling, advice about other sources of assistance that may be available, and other help that may be appropriate;

          (i) Supply persons to be displaced with information concerning federal and state housing programs, disaster loans and other programs administered by the Small Business Administration, and other federal and state programs offering assistance to persons to be displaced;

          (j) Advise a displaced person that no payments received under the relocation assistance program shall be considered as income for the purposes of:

          1. The federal Internal Revenue Code; or

          2. Determining the eligibility or the extent of eligibility of any person for assistance under the Social Security Act or any other federal or state law; and

          (k) Maintain contact with other governmental agencies to determine the extent of other programs which might affect the Transportation Cabinet relocation program and the availability of housing resources.

          (2) The amount and extent of the relocation advisory services rendered shall be determined by the needs of the displaced person.

          (3) The Transportation Cabinet may offer relocation advisory services to a person occupying property adjacent to the real property acquired if that person is caused substantial economic injury because of the cabinet's acquisition of the real property.

          (4) The Transportation Cabinet shall coordinate relocation activities with project work and other displacement-causing activities to ensure that persons displaced receive consistent treatment and duplication of functions is minimized.


          Section 8. Claims for Relocation Assistance Payments. (1)(a) Any claim for relocation assistance payment shall be accompanied by documentation to support expenses incurred.

          (b) A displaced person shall be provided reasonable assistance in completing and filing a claim for payment.

          (c) The Transportation Cabinet shall review claims in an expeditious manner and promptly notify the claimant if additional documentation is required.

          (d) Payment for a relocation assistance claim shall ordinarily be made only after:

          1. The displaced person has moved or after closing; and

          2. As soon as feasible following receipt of sufficient documentation to support the claim.

          (e) The payment for a claim may be processed in advance of a move or closing but shall not be made until it can be reasonably expected that the objective of the payment has been or is to be accomplished.

          (2) All claims for a relocation payment shall be filed based on the following unless the time limits have been waived for good cause by the Transportation Cabinet:

          (a) For tenants, within eighteen (18) months after the date of displacement; or

          (b) For owners, within eighteen (18) months of the date of displacement or the date of the final payment for the acquisition of the real property, whichever is later.

          (3) If two (2) or more occupants of one (1) household of the displacement dwelling move to separate replacement dwellings, each occupant is entitled to a prorated share of all relocation payments that would have been made if the occupants had moved together to a comparable replacement dwelling. However, if it is determined that two (2) or more occupants maintained separate households within the same dwelling, the occupants shall have separate entitlements to relocation payments.

          (4) If a person to be displaced owes rent to the Transportation Cabinet, the amount owed may be deducted from his relocation assistance payment unless the deduction would prevent the displaced person from obtaining comparable replacement housing. The Transportation Cabinet shall not withhold any part of a relocation assistance payment to a displaced person to satisfy an obligation to any other creditor.

          (5) By written agreement between the displaced person, the mover and the Transportation Cabinet, the displaced person may present an unpaid moving bill to the Transportation Cabinet for direct payment to the mover. The displaced person shall initially make this request on forms prescribed and furnished by the Transportation Cabinet.

          (6) If the Transportation Cabinet denies a claim of eligibility for or the amount of a payment, the claimant shall be promptly notified in writing of the reason for denying the claim and of his right to appeal pursuant to Section 31 of this administrative regulation.


          Section 9. Moving and Related Expense Payments - General. Moving and related expense payments are types of relocation assistance payments. Any eligible individual, family, business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization displaced by a Transportation Cabinet project and who qualifies as a displaced person is entitled to payment of his actual moving and related expenses as the Transportation Cabinet determines to be reasonable and necessary.

          (1) To be eligible for moving and related expense payments the displaced person shall:

          (a) Be in legal occupancy at the initiation of negotiations for the real property or at the time the property is acquired, in whole or in part by the Transportation Cabinet or at the time he is given a written notice by the Transportation Cabinet of intent to acquire the real property; and

          (b) Move from the real property, or move his personal property from the real property subsequent to the dates established in paragraph (a) of this subsection.

          (2) If the acquisition of real property used for a business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization causes a person to vacate a dwelling or other real property not acquired by the Transportation Cabinet, the additional moving cost shall be eligible for reimbursement. Also, if it is necessary to move personal property that is legally located within the acquired property, the cost shall be eligible for reimbursement.

          (3) A second move for a displaced person shall not be automatically authorized, nor generally eligible for payment. However, under exceptional circumstances, a second moving payment may be made. Prior to authorizing a second move, the Transportation Cabinet shall consider all special circumstances.

          (4) The displaced person shall be informed in writing as soon as possible after the initiation of negotiations of the following requirements:

          (a) The displaced person shall provide the Transportation Cabinet reasonable advance notice of the approximate date of the start of the move or disposition of his personal property and a list of the items to be moved; and

          (b) The displaced person shall allow the Transportation Cabinet to make reasonable and timely inspections of the personal property at both the displacement and replacement sites and allow the cabinet to monitor the move.


          Section 10. Moving and Related Expense Payments for Residential Moves. (1) A displaced person, owner-occupant or tenant of a dwelling who qualifies as a displaced person:

          (a) Is entitled to receive payment for the actual, reasonable and necessary moving expenses of his personal property, himself, and his family.

          (b) Has the option to receive reimbursement on the basis of actual, reasonable expenses, or from the fixed-rate schedule listed in subsection (7) of this section which is based on the number of rooms of personal property.

          (2) An owner-occupant of a multiple-family dwelling may be entitled to a moving payment for a residential move for himself and moving payments for his personal property located in other units.

          (3) In order to determine that more than one (1) household exists in a single dwelling unit, each family unit shall have separate baths, kitchen areas and bedrooms.

          (a) Two (2) or more families occupying the same dwelling unit, who are required to relocate into separate dwelling units because a single comparable dwelling unit is not available, may elect to be reimbursed either on an actual cost basis or from the fixed-rate schedule.

          (b) Two (2) or more families occupying the same dwelling unit, who relocate into separate dwelling units on a voluntary basis when a single comparable dwelling unit is available, may elect to be reimbursed either on an actual cost basis or from the fixed-rate schedule. A fixed-rate schedule move payment shall be based on the number of rooms actually occupied by each family, plus community rooms utilized by each family.

          (c) Two (2) or more individuals who occupy the same dwelling unit are considered to be a single family and payments shall be made accordingly.

          (4) When an owner retains his dwelling, the cost of moving it onto a different site is not eligible for reimbursement as a part of the cost of moving personal property. However, if he chooses to use his dwelling as a means of moving personal property, the cost of moving the personal property may be considered eligible for reimbursement. Payments in these cases shall be from the fixed-rate schedule.

          (5) If the displaced person elects to move on an actual cost basis, the following expenses are eligible for payment:

          (a) Transportation of the displaced person and personal property. Transportation costs for a distance beyond fifty (50) miles are not eligible, unless it is determined by the Transportation Cabinet that relocation beyond fifty (50) miles is justified;

          (b) Packing, crating, unpacking, and uncrating of the personal property;

          (c) Disconnecting, dismantling, removing, reassembling and reinstalling relocated household appliances and other personal property;

          (d) Storage of the personal property for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months, unless it is determined by the Transportation Cabinet that a longer period of time is necessary. For the storage costs to be eligible the Transportation Cabinet shall determine that storage is reasonable and necessary and that the personal property is not stored on property being acquired or property owned or leased by the displaced person;

          (e) Insurance for the replacement value of the property in connection with the move and necessary storage;

          (f) The replacement value of property lost, stolen, or damaged in the process of moving (not through the fault or negligence of the displaced person, his agent, or employee) where insurance covering such loss, theft, or damage is not reasonably available; and

          (g) Other moving related expenses not listed as ineligible in Section 14 of this administrative regulation but which are determined by the Transportation Cabinet to be reasonable and necessary.

          (6)(a) The displaced person may elect to move by the use of a licensed commercial mover and receive reimbursement for the actual, reasonable expenses. These expenses shall be supported by receipted bills.

          (b) The Transportation Cabinet may furnish the displaced person a list of licensed movers in the area.

          (c) The displaced person shall select one (1) mover and the Transportation Cabinet shall select one (1) mover.

          (d) The Transportation Cabinet shall:

          1. Obtain from both of the selected movers an estimate of the moving costs including any necessary utility service connections.

          2. Base payment on the lower estimate.

          (e) The displaced person may hire either company.

          (7) The displaced person, including a person displaced from a seasonal residence, may elect to move his personal property according to the fixed-rate schedule. The separate items authorized under commercial and self moves have been included in establishing the fixed-rate schedule and no additional moving payments shall be authorized. The room count of furniture shall be based on the actual number of furnished rooms, plus basements, attics, garages, and out buildings if such spaces contain sufficient personality as to constitute a room. Payment shall be based on the following schedule:

    1 Room = $400

    5 Rooms = $1,000

    2 Rooms = $550

    6 Rooms = $1,150

    3 Rooms = $700

    7 Rooms = $1,300

    4 Rooms = $850

    8 Rooms = $1,450


    Each Additional Room = $150

          (8) If the displaced person lives in a furnished dwelling unit, he shall be paid moving costs for moving his personal property according to the following schedule:

          First room = $300

          Each additional room = $50

          (9) The moving expenses of a person with minimal personal possessions who occupies a dormitory style room shared by two (2) or more other unrelated persons or a person whose residential move is performed by an agency at no cost to the person shall be limited to fifty (50) dollars.


          Section 11. Moving and Related Expense Payments, Including Reestablishment Expenses, for Business, Farm Operations, or Nonprofit Organizations. The owner of a displaced business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization is entitled to receive a payment for moving and related expenses, including reestablishment expenses.

          (1) Any business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization which qualifies as a displaced person is entitled to payment for the actual moving and related expenses as the Transportation Cabinet determines to be reasonable and necessary, including expenses for the following:

          (a) Transportation of personal property. Transportation costs for a distance beyond fifty (50) miles are ineligible, unless it is determined by the Transportation Cabinet that relocation beyond fifty (50) miles is justified;

          (b) Packing, crating, unpacking, and uncrating of the personal property;

          (c) Disconnecting, dismantling, removing, reassembling, and reinstalling relocated machinery, equipment, and other personal property including substitute personal property and including connection to utilities available nearby. Also, included are modifications to the personal property necessary to adapt it to the replacement structure, the replacement site, or the utilities at the replacement site and modifications necessary to adapt the utilities at the replacement site to the personal property. (Expenses for providing utilities from the right-of-way to the building or improvement are excluded);

          (d) Storage of the personal property for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months unless it is determined by the Transportation Cabinet that a longer period of time is necessary. For the storage costs to be eligible, the Transportation Cabinet shall determine that storage is reasonable and necessary and that the personal property is not stored on property being acquired or property owned or leased by the displaced person;

          (e) Insurance for the replacement value of the personal property in connection with the move and necessary storage;

          (f) Any license, permit, or certification required of the displaced person at the replacement location. However, the payment may be prorated, based on the remaining useful life of the existing license, permit or certification;

          (g) The replacement value of property lost, stolen, or damaged in the process of moving (not through the fault or negligence of the displaced person, his agent, or employee), where insurance covering the loss, theft, or damage is not reasonably available; and

          (h) Professional services necessary for planning the move of the personal property, moving the personal property, and installing the relocated personal property at the replacement location.

          (2) The owner of a business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization, may be paid the actual reasonable cost of moving his personal property as determined to be reasonable and necessary by using a qualified commercial mover. These expenses shall be supported by receipted bills. Prior to authorizing the move, the Transportation Cabinet shall:

          (a) Obtain a certified inventory of the personal property to be moved. The displaced person shall certify that the items are to actually be moved to the replacement site. If there is any significant deviation from the list of items actually relocated the amount to be paid shall be revised accordingly. If the business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization has a fluctuating inventory, the cabinet may require a reinventory just prior to authorizing the move; and

          (b) Obtain two (2) bids from qualified movers when a replacement property has been found. The payment of moving expenses shall be authorized only on the basis of the lower of the bids.

          (3) The owner of the business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization, may elect to move himself. Under this circumstance the Transportation Cabinet shall:

          (a) Obtain a certified inventory of the personal property to be moved. The displaced person shall certify that the items actually are to be moved to the replacement site. If there is any significant deviation from the list of items actually relocated the amount to be paid shall be revised accordingly. If the business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization has a fluctuating inventory, the cabinet may require a reinventory just prior to authorizing the move; and

          (b) Obtain two (2) bids from qualified movers after a replacement property has been found. The move may be authorized only on the basis of the lower of the bids. The Transportation Cabinet shall pay to the displaced person the amount of the lower bid once it is determined that all property was moved to the new location.

          (4) If the cost of the move is not likely to exceed $5,000, a single estimate may be prepared by a qualified staff employee of the Transportation Cabinet other than the person preparing the claim.

          (5) When the Transportation Cabinet obtains bids for a business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization move, the bidder shall be instructed in writing that the amount of his bid shall be the property of the Transportation Cabinet and shall be considered confidential information. The bidder shall state in his letter transmitting his bid to the cabinet that he shall not divulge the amount of his bid to any other person, including the displaced person. Any bidder who does not adhere to these requirements shall not be permitted to submit future bids.

          (6) If it is necessary to reprint available stationery because the business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization, has been relocated, the Transportation Cabinet shall pay the actual cost for reprinting the number and type of item to be replaced. Payment shall be made for only the number of each item approved in advance of the reprinting by the Transportation Cabinet. The claim for payment shall be documented by receipted bills from the provider.

          (7)(a) If it is necessary to reletter a sign that has been made obsolete as a result of the move:

          1. If possible, only that portion of the sign which changes shall be eligible to be relettered; or

          2. If necessary, the cost of relettering the complete sign shall be an eligible expense.

          (b) The payment request shall be documented by receipted bills from the provider.

          (c) Approval of the relettering shall be obtained from the Transportation Cabinet in advance of work being performed.

          (8)(a) The Transportation Cabinet shall reimburse the displaced business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization actual and reasonable expenses in searching for a new location.

          (b) Payment shall be limited to $1,000.

          (c) The items for which an invoice may be submitted include:

          1. Transportation;

          2. Lodging and meals away from home;

          3. Time spent in searching, based on reasonable salary or earnings, of the person conducting the search; and

          4. Fees paid to a real estate agent or broker to locate a replacement site, exclusive of any fees or commissions related to the purchase of such site.

          (d) The claim for payment shall be documented by receipted bills for meals and lodging when away from home and an affidavit shall be required for mileage and time. The affidavit shall show:

          1. Persons contacted;

          2. Places visited;

          3. Activity involved; and

          4. Basis for the hourly rate charged for time.

          (9)(a) Payment of actual direct losses of tangible personal property may be made when the business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization owner moves or discontinues his operation. Payment for actual direct losses of tangible personal property may be made only after a bona fide effort has been made by the owner to sell the items involved. The payment shall consist of the lesser of:

          1. The fair market value of the item for continued use at the displacement site less the proceeds from its sale.

          a. The claimant shall make a good faith effort to sell the personal property, unless the Transportation Cabinet determines that the effort is not necessary.

          b. When payment for property loss is claimed for goods held for sale, the fair market value shall be based on the cost of the goods to the business, not the potential selling price; or

          2. The estimated cost of moving the item, with no allowance for storage. If the business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization is discontinued, the estimate shall be based on a move of fifty (50) miles;

          (b) The prompt purchase of substitute personal property to replace an item not to be moved in a business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization move, yet which performs a comparable function at the replacement site. Payment shall be the lesser of:

          1. The cost of the substitute item, including installation costs at the replacement site, less any proceeds from the sale or trade-in of the replaced item; or

          2. The estimated cost of moving and reinstalling the replaced item, with no allowance for storage. If the estimated cost for the move is $5,000 or less, the estimated cost may be based on a single estimate prepared by a qualified Transportation Cabinet employee.

          (c) If no offers are received for the property at the sale and the property is abandoned, payment for the actual direct loss of that item shall not be more than the fair market value of the item for continued use at its location prior to displacement or the estimated cost of moving the item fifty (50) miles, whichever is less, plus the reasonable costs of the attempted sale, irrespective of the cost to the Transportation Cabinet of removing the item.

          (d) If personal property is abandoned with no effort made by the owner to dispose of the property by sale, the owner shall not be entitled to moving expenses, or losses, for the item involved.

          (e) The cost of removal by the Transportation Cabinet of personal property shall not be considered as an offsetting charge against other payments to the displaced person.

          (f) The sale price, if any, and the actual reasonable costs of advertising and conducting the sale shall be supported by a copy of the bill of sale or similar documents, and by copies of any advertisements, offers to sell, auction records, and other data which support the sale.

          (10) A small business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization is entitled to receive a payment not to exceed $10,000 for expenses actually incurred in relocating and reestablishing the small business, farm operation, or nonprofit organization at the replacement site. Eligibility for this payment shall be contingent upon the following:

          (a) Eligible expenses shall be reasonable and necessary as determined by the Transportation Cabinet and may include:

          1. Repairs or improvements to the replacement real property as required by federal, state, or local law, code, regulation, or ordinance.

          2. Modification to the replacement property to accommodate the business operation or make replacement structures suitable for conducting the business.

          3. Construction and installation costs for exterior signing to advertise the business.

          4. Provision of utilities from the right-of-way to improvements on the replacement site.

          5. Redecoration or replacement of soiled or worn surfaces at the replacement site, such as paint, paneling, or carpeting.

          6. Licenses, fees, and permits when not paid as a part of moving expenses.

          7. Feasibility surveys, soil testing, and marketing studies.

          8. Advertisement of the replacement location.

          9. Professional services in connection with the purchase or lease of a replacement site.

          10. Increased cost of operation during the first two (2) years at the replacement site for items such as lease or rental charges, personal or real property taxes, insurance premiums, and utility charges, excluding impact fees.

          11. Impact fees or one (1) time assessments for anticipated heavy utility usage.

          12. Other items determined by the Transportation Cabinet to be essential to reestablishment of the business.

          (b) A representative of the Transportation Cabinet and the displaced person shall meet at the replacement site prior to any work being done to determine what repairs or changes are necessary. After the move has been completed, the displaced person shall submit to the Transportation Cabinet itemized paid receipts for reestablishment expenses he has incurred.

          (c) The following is a nonexclusive list of reestablishment expenses not considered to be reasonable, necessary, or eligible:

          1. Purchase of capital assets, such as office furniture, filing cabinets, machinery, or trade fixtures;

          2. Purchase of manufacturing materials, production supplies, product inventory, or other items used in the normal course of the business operations;

          3. Interest on money borrowed to make the move or purchase the replacement property;

          4. Payment to a part-time business in the home which does not contribute materially to the household income.

          (d) Sites occupied solely by outdoor advertising signs, devices, or displays do not qualify as a business for reestablishment expenses under the provisions of this section.


          Section 12. Moving and Related Expense Payments for Advertising Signs. (1) The owner of an eligible displaced advertising sign which is not included in the appraisal of the real property is entitled to receive a payment for moving and related expenses as determined by the Transportation Cabinet to be reasonable and necessary, including:

          (a) Transportation of the advertising sign. Transportation costs for a distance beyond fifty (50) miles shall be ineligible unless it is determined by the Transportation Cabinet that relocation beyond fifty (50) miles is justified;

          (b) Packing, crating, unpacking, or uncrating of the advertising sign;

          (c) Disconnecting, dismantling, removing, reassembling, or reinstalling relocated machinery, equipment, or other personal property related to the advertising sign and substitute personal property, including connection to utilities available nearby;

          (d) Modifications to the advertising sign necessary to adapt it to the replacement structure, the replacement site, or utilities at the replacement site;

          (e) Modifications necessary to adapt utilities at the replacement site to the advertising sign, excluding expenses for providing utilities from the right-of-way to the sign;

          (f) Storage of the advertising sign for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months unless it is determined by the Transportation Cabinet that a longer period of time is necessary. For storage costs to be eligible the Transportation Cabinet shall determine that:

          1. Storage is reasonable and necessary; and

          2. The advertising sign is not stored on property being acquired or property owned or leased by the displaced person;

          (g) Insurance for the replacement value of the advertising sign in connection with the move and necessary storage;

          (h) Any license, permit, or certification required of the displaced person at the replacement location. Payment may be prorated based on the remaining useful life of any existing license, permit, or certification;

          (i) The replacement value of the advertising sign or property related to it which is lost, stolen, or damaged in the process of moving (not through the fault or negligence of the displaced person, his agent, or employee), where insurance covering the loss, theft, or damage is not reasonably available; and

          (j) Professional services necessary for:

          1. Planning the move of the advertising sign;

          2. Moving the advertising sign; or

          3. Installing the relocated advertising sign at the replacement location.

          (2) The owner of an advertising sign which is not included in the appraisal of the real property may be paid the actual cost of moving the sign as determined to be reasonable and necessary by using a qualified commercial mover. These expenses shall be supported by receipted bills. Prior to authorizing the move, the Transportation Cabinet shall:

          (a) Obtain photographs of the advertising sign to be moved. The displaced person shall certify that the sign will actually be moved to the replacement site. If there is a significant change in the sign relocation, the amount to be paid shall be revised accordingly.

          (b) Obtain two (2) bids from qualified movers once a replacement site has been found. Payment of moving expenses shall be authorized only on the basis of the lower of two (2) acceptable bids.

          (3) The owner of an advertising sign which is not included in the appraisal of the real property, may elect a self-move based on the lower of two (2) bids from qualified movers. Under this circumstance the Transportation Cabinet shall:

          (a) Obtain photographs of the advertising sign to be moved. The displaced person shall certify that the sign will actually be moved to the replacement site. If there is a significant change in the sign relocation, the amount to be paid shall be revised accordingly;

          (b) Obtain two (2) bids from qualified movers once a replacement site has been found. The move may be authorized only on the basis of the lower of the bids. The Transportation Cabinet shall pay to the displaced person the amount of the lower bid once it is determined that the sign was moved to the new location.

          (4) If the cost of the move is not likely to exceed $5,000, a single estimate may be prepared by a qualified Transportation Cabinet employee other than the person preparing the claim.

          (5) The displaced person shall give the Transportation Cabinet reasonable, advance notice of the approximate date the move will commence.

          (6) When the Transportation Cabinet obtains bids for moving a sign, the bidder shall be instructed in writing that the amount of his bid shall be the property of the Transportation Cabinet and shall be considered confidential information. The bidder shall state in his letter transmitting his bid to the cabinet that he shall not divulge the amount of his bid to any other person, including the displaced person. Any bidder who does not adhere to these requirements shall not be permitted to submit future bids.

          (7) The Transportation Cabinet shall reimburse the owner of a displaced advertising sign actual and reasonable expenses in searching for a new location.

          (a) Payment shall be limited to $1,000.

          (b) The items for which an invoice may be submitted include:

          1. Transportation;

          2. Lodging and meals away from home;

          3. Time spent in searching, based on reasonable salary or earnings, of the person conducting the search; and

          4. Fees paid to a real estate agent or broker to locate a replacement site, exclusive of any fees or commissions related to the purchase of the site.

          (c) Receipts will be required for meals and lodging when away from home. An affidavit which includes the following items is required to document mileage and time:

          1. Persons contacted;

          2. Places visited;

          3. Activity involved; and

          4. Basis for the hourly rate charged for time.

          (8) Payment for actual direct losses of tangible personal property may be made when the owner of a displaced advertising sign which is excluded from the appraisal of the real property elects not to relocate the sign. The direct loss payment shall be the lesser of the following:

          (a) The depreciated reproduction cost of the sign less the proceeds from its sale; or

          (b) The estimated cost of moving the sign as determined by the Transportation Cabinet but with no allowance for storage.


          Section 13. Miscellaneous Moves. There are entities to be relocated that meet none of the definitions of a business, a farm operation, or a nonprofit organization. The moving expenses in these instances shall usually be paid as a self-move. Examples of moves of this type are:

          (1) Partial taking of a farm or residential lot on which only a shed, barn, or garage contains personal property;

          (2) Acquisition of a tenant-occupied residence if the owner has some personal property in the building; or

          (3) Acquisition of a tenant-occupied service station where the owner or distributor has personal property to be moved.


          Section 14. Ineligible Moving and Related Expenses. A displaced person shall not be entitled to payment for the following:

          (1) The cost of moving any structure or other real property improvement in which the displaced person reserved ownership;

          (2) Interest on a loan to cover moving expenses;

          (3) Loss of good will;

          (4) Loss of profits;

          (5) Loss of trained employees;

          (6) Any additional operating expenses of a business or farm operation incurred because of operating in a new location (except as provided for under reestablishment expenses);

          (7) Personal injury;

          (8) Any legal fee or other cost for preparing a claim for a relocation payment or for representing the claimant before the Transportation Cabinet;

          (9) Expenses for searching for a replacement dwelling;

          (10) Physical changes to the real property at the replacement location of a business, farm, or nonprofit organization except as provided for under actual reasonable moving expenses and reestablishment expenses; or

          (11) Costs for storage of personal property on real property already owned or leased by the displaced person.


          Section 15. Fixed Payments In Lieu of Payments for Moving and Related Expenses, Including Reestablishment Expenses, to Businesses, Farms, and Nonprofit Organizations. (1) An eligible owner of a discontinued or relocated business may choose to receive a fixed payment in lieu of all payments for moving and related expenses, including reestablishment expenses, which are set forth in Section 11 of this administrative regulation.

          (a) The amount of the fixed payment shall equal the average annual net earnings for the business but not less than $1,000 and not more than $20,000.

          (b) For an owner of a business to be entitled to this fixed payment, the Transportation Cabinet shall determine that the business meets all of the following:

          1. It owns or rents personal property which has to be moved in connection with the displacement and for which an expense would be incurred in the move;

          2. It vacates or relocates from the displacement site;

          3. It cannot be relocated without a substantial loss of patronage (clientele or net earnings). A business is assumed to meet this test unless it is determined by the Transportation Cabinet that it will not suffer a substantial loss of its existing patronage;

          4. It is not part of a commercial enterprise having more than three (3) other entities which are not being acquired, and which are under the same ownership and engaged in the same or similar business activities;

          5. It is not operated at a displacement dwelling solely for the purpose of renting the dwelling to others;

          6. It is not operated at the displacement site solely for the purpose of renting the site to others; and

          7. It contributed materially to the income of the displaced person during the two (2) taxable years prior to displacement.

          (c) The displaced owner of a business shall furnish proof of net earnings through income tax returns.

          (d) The payment amount of the fixed payment shall be determined by adding the annual net earnings before federal, state and local income taxes for the two (2) taxable years immediately preceding the taxable year in which the enterprise is relocated (or that two (2) year period deemed more representative by the Transportation Cabinet), and dividing that amount by two (2).

          (e) In determining whether two (2) or more displaced legal entities constitute a single business which is entitled to only one (1) fixed payment, all pertinent factors shall be considered, including the extent to which:

          1. The same premises and equipment are shared;

          2. Substantially identical or interrelated business functions are carried out and business and financial affairs are commingled;

          3. The entities are held out to the public, to those customarily dealing with them, as one (1) business; and

          4. The same person or closely related persons own, control, or manage the affairs of the entities.

          (2) An eligible owner of a displaced farm operation may choose to receive a fixed payment in lieu of all payments for moving and related expenses, including reestablishment expenses, as set forth in Section 11 of this administrative regulation.

          (a) The amount of the fixed payment shall equal the average annual net earnings for the farm operation, but not less than $1,000 and not more than $20,000.

          (b) In the case of partial acquisition of land which was a farm operation prior to the acquisition, a fixed payment shall be made only if the Transportation Cabinet determines that:

          1. The partial acquisition caused the operation to be displaced from the farm operation on the remaining land; or

          2. The partial acquisition caused a substantial change in the nature of the farm operation.

          (c) For an owner of a farm operation to be entitled to this fixed payment, the farm operation shall have contributed materially to the income of the displaced person during the two (2) taxable years prior to displacement.

          (d) The displaced owner of a farm operation shall furnish proof of net earnings through income tax returns.

          (e) The amount of the fixed payment shall be determined by adding the annual net earnings before federal, state and local income taxes for the two (2) taxable years immediately preceding the taxable year in which the enterprise is relocated (or that two (2) year period deemed more representative by the Transportation Cabinet), and dividing that amount by two (2).

          (3) An eligible displaced nonprofit organization may choose a fixed payment in lieu of all payments for moving and related expenses, including reestablishment expenses, as set forth in Section 11 of this administrative regulation.

          (a) The fixed payment shall not be less than $1,000 nor more than $20,000.

          (b) Any request for payment in excess of $1,000 shall be supported with financial statements for the two (2) twelve (12) month periods prior to the acquisition.

          (c) The amount to be used in determining the fixed payment is the average of two (2) years annual gross revenues less administrative expenses.

          (d) Gross revenues may include membership fees, class fees, cash donations, tithes, receipts from sales or other fundraising activities.

          (e) Administrative expenses include rent, utilities, salaries, advertising and fund raising expenses but shall not include operating expenses for carrying out the purpose of the nonprofit organization.

          (f) A displaced nonprofit organization shall furnish proof of monetary receipts and expense amounts through certified financial statements or financial documents required by public agencies.


          Section 16. Replacement Housing Payments - General. (1) It shall be the policy of the Transportation Cabinet to consistently apply the provisions of this administrative regulation relating to eligibility for replacement housing payments to housing situations not specifically provided for in this administrative regulation. Displaced persons may include individuals or families displaced from condominiums or cooperative apartments.

          (2) The displaced individual or family shall not be required to relocate to the same occupancy (owner or tenant) status in order to receive the replacement housing payment, but has other options based on his ownership status and tenure of occupancy.

          (3)(a) The Transportation Cabinet shall not participate in more than one (1) replacement housing payment for each dwelling unit, except in the case of multifamily occupancy of a single family dwelling as described in Section 18 of this administrative regulation.

          (b) The claim for payment shall be filed with the cabinet no more than eighteen (18) months after the date of displacement for tenants.

          (c) For owners, the claim for payment shall be filed no more than eighteen (18) months after the date of:

          1. Displacement; or

          2. The final payment for the acquisition of real property, whichever is later.

          (d) Before the payment is made to the displaced person, the Transportation Cabinet shall determine that the replacement dwelling is decent, safe, and sanitary.

          (4)(a) If a displaced person qualifies for a replacement housing payment, but has not yet purchased or occupied a suitable replacement dwelling, provided he purchases and occupies the inspected dwelling within the one (1) year time limit, the Transportation Cabinet shall provide a written or oral certification that the displaced person is eligible for the payment of a specific amount

          (b) The Transportation Cabinet shall release this certification only:

          1. Upon the request of the displaced person who is purchasing the dwelling;

          2. After inspecting the proposed dwelling; and

          3. Upon finding that the dwelling is decent, safe and sanitary.

          (c) The certification shall include the address of the property inspected and the amount of money the displaced person is required to spend for the replacement property in order to receive the full amount of his replacement housing payment.

          (5)(a) Replacement housing payments may be made directly:

          1. To the relocated individual or family; or

          2. Upon written instructions from the displaced person:

          a. Directly to the lessor for rent; or

          b. Directly to the seller for use toward the purchase of a dwelling.

          (b) This written instruction from the displaced person shall be submitted with the application for payment.

          (c) The Transportation Cabinet shall make the replacement housing payment into an escrow account if:

          1. The displaced person has made a specific request in the application; and

          2. The applicant otherwise qualifies for a replacement housing payment.

          (6)(a) The Transportation Cabinet shall determine the probable selling price of a comparable dwelling by analyzing at least three (3) comparable dwellings representative of the dwelling unit to be acquired which are available on the private market.

          (b) Less than three (3) comparable dwellings may only be used for this determination when sufficient comparable dwellings are not available.

          (c) Selection of comparable dwellings and computation of payment shall be made by a qualified Transportation Cabinet employee other than the appraiser or review appraiser on the parcel involved.

          (d) The selected comparable dwellings shall be the most nearly comparable available and equal to or better than the subject property.

          (7)(a) If the lapse of time between obtaining a listing of an available dwelling which is used to compute a replacement housing payment and the offer of the replacement housing payment amount to the displaced person exceeds thirty (30) days, the Transportation Cabinet shall determine that the property is still on the market.

          (b) If a check of the market reveals the comparable dwelling relied upon is not available, a new comparable dwelling shall be selected and a new replacement housing payment computed.

          (8) An adjustment shall be made to the asking price of the selected comparable dwelling only when the market reflects a difference of more than five (5) percent in the asking price and the sale price of comparable housing in the area. To determine whether an adjustment to the asking price is needed the Transportation Cabinet may contact realtors or use multiple listings books for recent sales.

          (9)(a) If the site of the comparable replacement dwelling lacks a major exterior attribute of the displacement dwelling site (for example, the site is significantly smaller or does not contain a swimming pool), the value of the attribute shall be subtracted from the acquisition cost of the displacement dwelling for purposes of computing the replacement housing payment.

          (b) If an uneconomic remnant of land remains after the Transportation Cabinet acquired only a portion of a tract of property and the owner of the remaining property refuses to sell it to the Transportation Cabinet, the fair market value of the uneconomic remnant shall be deducted from the before value of the displacement dwelling for purposes of computing the replacement housing payment.

          (c)1. If the acquisition of a portion of a typical residential property causes the displacement of the owner from the dwelling and the remainder is a buildable residential lot, the Transportation Cabinet may offer to purchase the entire property.

          2. If the owner refuses to sell the remainder of the property to the cabinet, the fair market value of the remainder shall be added to the acquisition price of the displacement dwelling for the purpose of computing the replacement housing payment.

          (10) To the extent feasible, comparable replacement dwellings shall be selected from the neighborhood in which the displacement dwelling was located or, if that is not possible, in nearby or similar neighborhoods where housing costs are generally the same or higher.

          (11) A person who occupies a property for less than ninety (90) days before initiation of negotiations or who occupies the property subsequent to the initiation of negotiations but before the property is acquired is entitled to moving expenses and advisory services. Any replacement housing payment, if applicable, shall be made under the provisions of Section 30 of this administrative regulation.

          (12) A person shall not be denied eligibility for a replacement housing payment solely because the person is unable to meet the occupancy requirements set forth in this administrative regulation for a reason beyond his control, such as:

          (a) A disaster;

          (b) An emergency; or

          (c) An imminent threat to the public health or welfare as determined by:

          1. The President;

          2. The federal agency funding the project; or

          3. The Transportation Cabinet; or

          (d) A delay in the construction of the replacement dwelling;

          (e) Military reserve duty; or

          (f) A hospital stay.

          (13)(a) A displaced tenant who initially rents a replacement dwelling and receives a rental assistance payment is eligible to receive a purchase or down payment assistance payment if he meets the eligibility criteria for the payments, including purchase and occupancy within the prescribed one (1) year period.

          (b) Any portion of the rental assistance payment that has been disbursed shall be deducted from the payment.

          (c) A displaced owner-occupant who originally rents a replacement dwelling and receives a rent supplement payment is eligible to receive a replacement housing payment, if he purchases and occupies a dwelling within the prescribed one (1) year.

          (14)(a) A replacement housing payment is personal to the displaced person and upon his death, the undisbursed portion of any payment shall not be paid to the heirs or assigns, except that the amount attributable to the displaced person's period of actual occupancy of the replacement housing shall be paid.

          (b) The full payment shall be disbursed in any case in which a member of a displaced family dies and the other family members continue to occupy a decent, safe, and sanitary replacement dwelling.

          (c) Any portion of a replacement housing payment necessary to satisfy the legal obligation of an estate in connection with the selection of a replacement dwelling by or on behalf of a deceased person shall be disbursed to the estate.

          (15) In order to avoid duplicate compensation, the amount of any insurance proceeds received by a displaced person in connection with a loss to the displacement dwelling shall be included in the acquisition cost of the displacement dwelling when the Transportation Cabinet computes the replacement housing payment.


          Section 17. Replacement Housing Payments - Partial Tract Acquisition. (1)(a) If the acquired dwelling is located on a tract typical in size for residential use in the area and if only a portion of the tract is acquired by the Transportation Cabinet, the maximum replacement housing payment shall be the probable selling price of a comparable replacement dwelling on a tract typical in size for the area, less the difference in the before and after values of the residential property.

          (b) This difference represents the acquisition price and shall include any damages to the portion of the tract not acquired by the Transportation Cabinet.

          (2) If the acquired dwelling is located on a tract larger in size than typical for residential use in the area and if only a portion of the tract is acquired by the Transportation Cabinet, the cabinet shall only consider that portion of the tract which is a typical size for computation of the maximum replacement housing payment. The maximum housing payment shall be the probable selling price of a comparable replacement dwelling and tract typical in size for residential use in the area, less the difference in the before and after value of the typical size residential property which was carved out of the total tract.

          (3)(a) If the acquired dwelling is located on a farm and if only a portion of the farm is acquired by the Transportation Cabinet, the cabinet shall only consider that portion of the farm which is a typical size tract for a residential property in the area for computation of the maximum replacement housing payment.

          (b) The maximum replacement housing payment shall be the probable selling price of a comparable replacement dwelling and tract typical in size for residential use in the area, less the difference in the before and after value of the typical size residential property which was carved out of the total farm.

          (4) If an outbuilding is located on the tract to be acquired and if the outbuilding is used for nonresidential purposes such as corncribs or implement storage, its value shall not be included in the computation of the replacement housing payment.

          (5) If the acquired dwelling is located on a tract where the fair market value is established on a use higher and better than residential and if only a portion of the tract is acquired by the Transportation Cabinet, the maximum amount payable is the probable selling price of a comparable replacement dwelling on a tract typical in size for residential use in the area, less the difference in the before and after value of the typical size homesite using the value indicated by the higher and better use, or if larger than typical, the difference in the value before and after a portion is carved out. This difference shall represent the acquisition price.


          Section 18. Replacement Housing Payments - Multiple Occupancy of Same Dwelling Unit. (1)(a) If two (2) or more eligible families occupy the same single-family dwelling unit, and a comparable replacement dwelling is available, the occupants are entitled to only one (1) replacement housing or rent supplement payment.

          (b) If a comparable replacement dwelling is not available, a replacement housing or rent supplement payment for each family shall be based on housing which is comparable to the quarters privately occupied by each family plus community rooms which have been shared with other occupants.

          (c) For owner-occupants the acquisition price to be used as the basis for replacement housing payment computations is that amount each owner received from the total payment for the property to be acquired.

          (2)(a) If two (2) or more eligible individuals occupy the same single-family dwelling unit, they are considered one (1) family for replacement housing payment or rent supplement purposes.

          (b) If all individuals do not relocate to decent, safe, and sanitary housing, the Transportation Cabinet shall determine and pay those individuals who do relocate into decent, safe, and sanitary housing a proportional share of the payment that would have been received if all individuals had relocated together in the same ownership or rental status as they had at the time of initiation of negotiations.

          (3) If a displaced individual or family occupies living quarters on the same premises as a displaced business, farm, or nonprofit organization, the individual or family is a separate displaced person for purposes of determining entitlement to relocation payments. The Transportation Cabinet shall compute the replacement housing payment for joint residential and business use properties as follows:

          (a) If the owner occupies living quarters in the building the replacement housing payment shall be determined by establishing the difference in the before and after value of the land using the appraised value (if acquiring the entire tract the cabinet shall use the total land value) adding the value of the living quarters portion of the building and then subtracting the total from the most comparable property to the living quarters available for sale on the market.

          (b) If a tenant occupies living quarters in the building to be acquired, the replacement housing payment shall be determined by subtracting the base monthly rent of the displaced tenant in the acquired dwelling as determined in Section 24(2) of this administrative regulation from the amount the displaced person actually pays per month for a rental replacement dwelling including the estimated average monthly utilities or, if less, the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to rent a comparable dwelling including the estimated average monthly utilities. That amount shall be multiplied by forty-two (42) to establish the replacement housing payment.

          (c) A displaced person eligible for a rental replacement housing payment under Section 24(1) of this administrative regulation may receive a down payment assistance payment not to exceed $5,250. In order to receive this payment, the full amount of the payment shall be applied toward the purchase price of the replacement dwelling and related incidental expenses.

          (4) The procedure for computing replacement housing payment amounts to an owner of a multifamily dwelling who occupies one (1) unit is as follows:

          (a) The comparable dwellings considered in the computation shall be the same as that acquired, that is, if the property is a triplex, then the comparable dwellings shall be triplexes. If comparable dwellings are not available, structures of the next lowest density shall be used. If there are not any available comparable multifamily structures to be found, the comparison of the owner's living unit shall be to a single-family residence. A higher density structure shall never be used as a comparable structure.

          (b)1. The value of the owner's unit shall be used as the basis for the replacement housing payment determination, not the entire fair market value of the property being acquired. The replacement housing payment determination is that difference, if any, between the value of the owner's living unit and the value of a living unit on the most comparable available property.

          2. If the comparable housing is a triplex:

          a. The replacement housing payment is based on the value of only one (1) of the three (3) units;

          b. A duplex, the payment is based on the value of only one (1) of the two (2) units;

          c. A single-family dwelling, the payment is based on the entire value of the dwelling.

          3. The other living units of a multifamily dwelling shall not be included in the value of a comparable unit because these are considered as income producing and not part of the owner's personal living area.


          Section 19. Replacement Housing Payments - Owner-Occupants of 180 Days or More. (1) A displaced owner-occupant may receive replacement housing payments if the displaced person has actually owned and occupied the displacement dwelling for 180 days or more immediately prior to the initiation of negotiations and if he purchases and occupies a decent, safe, and sanitary replacement dwelling within a one (1) year period, beginning on the later of the following dates:

          (a) The date the person receives final payment from the Transportation Cabinet for the displacement dwelling; or

          (b) In the case of condemnation, the date the full amount of the estimate of just compensation is deposited in court; or

          (c) The date the person is advised by the Transportation Cabinet of the availability of comparable housing.

          (2) The owner-occupant is eligible for a replacement housing payment when:

          (a) He is in occupancy at the initiation of negotiations for the acquisition of the real property, in whole or part;

          (b) He is in occupancy at the time he is given a written notice by the Transportation Cabinet of intent to acquire the property by a given date;

          (c) His occupancy of the property has been for at least 180 consecutive days immediately prior to the date of vacation or initiation of negotiations, whichever is earlier; and

          (d) He purchased and occupied a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling within the time period specified in subsection (1) of this section;

          (3) The combined total of the replacement housing payments for an owner-occupant of 180 days shall not exceed $22,500 for the additional costs necessary to purchase replacement housing; for compensation to the owner for the loss of favorable financing on his existing mortgage in the financing of replacement housing; and to reimburse the owner for expenses incidental to the purchase of replacement housing which are incurred.

          (4)(a) The amount of the replacement housing payment for the sole owner of a dwelling is the amount, if any, which when added to the amount for which the Transportation Cabinet acquired his dwelling, equals the actual cost which the owner is required to pay for a decent, safe, and sanitary replacement dwelling, or the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to purchase a comparable dwelling, whichever is less.

          (b) When the displaced person obtains his decent, safe and sanitary replacement dwelling (not necessarily comparable to the dwelling from which he was displaced), his replacement housing payment shall be based on the amount spent for the replacement dwelling.

          (c) If the replacement dwelling is not decent, safe, and sanitary, he may be paid to correct the deficiencies if he maintains documented receipts.

          (d) Any payment to correct a decent, safe, and sanitary deficiency shall be counted toward the actual cost that the owner is required to pay for decent, safe, and sanitary replacement dwelling.

          (5) If a single-family dwelling is owned by several persons, and occupied by only part of the owners, the replacement housing payment shall be the lesser of:

          (a) The difference between the owner-occupants' share of the acquisition cost of the acquired dwelling and the actual cost of the replacement dwelling; or

          (b) The difference between the total acquisition cost of the acquired dwelling and the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to purchase a comparable dwelling.

          (6) If the displaced owner-occupant of 180 days or more does not purchase and occupy a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling, he shall be entitled to receive a rent supplement payment, if he rents and occupies a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling.

          (7) It shall be the Transportation Cabinet's responsibility to make available a comparable replacement dwelling unit and to relocate the displaced person to his original ownership status if this is his desire. If the displaced owner-occupant desires to rent, the Transportation Cabinet shall make a reasonable effort to accomplish the request.

          (8)(a) When an owner-occupant of 180 days or more retains and moves his dwelling to another location, the Transportation Cabinet shall determine if he is eligible for a replacement housing payment.

          (b) If the dwelling meets the decent, safe, and sanitary standards, improvements such as room additions or remodeling shall not be allowed in determining the amount of the replacement housing payment.

          (c) If the dwelling retained and moved is not decent, safe, and sanitary, the cost to improve it so that it complies with adequate standards shall be allowed if documented receipts are maintained.

          (d) Any payment to correct a decent, safe, and sanitary deficiency shall be counted toward the actual cost that the owner is required to pay for a decent, safe and sanitary replacement dwelling.

          (9) If an owner-occupant of 180 days or more has received a rental replacement housing payment and subsequently chooses to purchase a replacement dwelling, the amount of the rental replacement housing payment shall be deducted from the amount he would have been entitled to receive if he had purchased a replacement dwelling immediately. The combined payments shall not exceed $22,500.

          (10) If the owner is allowed the option of retaining his dwelling, the replacement housing payment shall be computed in accordance with the appropriate paragraph below. The payments computed under paragraphs (a) through (c) of this subsection shall not exceed the amount the displaced person would have received if he had purchased a replacement dwelling.

          (a) If the dwelling is decent, safe, and sanitary, the payment, if any, shall be the amount by which the cost to relocate the retained dwelling exceeds the acquisition price of the dwelling and homesite. The cost to relocate may include the reasonable costs of acquiring a new site and other expenses incidental to retaining and moving the dwelling, and restoring it to a condition comparable to that before the move. Payment shall not exceed $22,500;

          (b) If the owner chooses to move his dwelling to a part of the tract not acquired by the Transportation Cabinet, the current fair market value for purchase of a residential site, not to exceed a typical size homesite, may be included as a cost to relocate the dwelling; or

          (c) If the retained dwelling is not decent, safe, and sanitary, the payment shall be computed as shown above, except the costs to correct deficiencies shall be included in the costs to relocate.

          (11)(a) An owner-occupant of 180 days or more eligible for a purchase replacement housing payment who elects to rent a replacement dwelling is eligible for a rental replacement housing payment which shall not exceed $5,250 unless the conditions of subsection (12) of this section exist.

          (b) To compute the eligible payment, from the amount the displaced person actually pays for a rental replacement dwelling, including the estimated average monthly utilities, or if less, the amount determined by the cabinet as necessary to rent a comparable dwelling including the estimated average monthly utilities the Transportation Cabinet shall subtract the fair market rent including monthly utilities of the acquired dwelling as determined by the cabinet, then multiply that amount by forty-two (42).

          (12) The rental payment authorized by subsection (11) of this section may only exceed $5,250 if the payment to purchase for an owner-occupant of 180 days could have been authorized as a last resort housing payment under Section 30 of this administrative regulation and therefore, could have exceeded $22,500.


          Section 20. Replacement Housing Payments - Owner-Occupants of Less Than 180 Days. (1)(a) A displaced owner-occupant who has owned and occupied the dwelling for less than 180 days and who elects to rent a replacement dwelling is eligible for a rental replacement housing payment not to exceed $5,250.

          (b) To compute the rental payment, from the amount the displaced person actually pays for a rental replacement dwelling including the estimated average monthly utilities, or if less, the amount determined by the cabinet as necessary to rent a comparable dwelling including the estimated average monthly utilities the Transportation Cabinet shall subtract the monthly fair market rent of the acquired dwelling as determined by the cabinet, then multiply that amount by forty-two (42).

          (2) A displaced owner-occupant who has owned and occupied the dwelling for less than 180 days, may elect to receive an amount to enable him to make a down payment on the purchase of a replacement dwelling including the actual expenses incidental to the purchase, not to exceed $5,250, or for additional costs to relocate his retained dwelling in accordance with the following:

          (a) The full amount of the payment shall be applied toward the purchase of the replacement dwelling and related incidental expenses and the displaced person shall purchase and occupy the dwelling within the time frame specified in Section 24(1) of this administrative regulation;

          (b) The displaced person may be eligible for the entire $5,250 for a down payment including incidental expenses, when the amount of the rental replacement housing computation is less than $5,250 or is zero, except either payment shall not exceed the amount the displaced person would receive if he were an owner-occupant of 180 days or more.

          (3)(a) If an owner-occupant of less than 180 days retains his dwelling, then the replacement housing payment, if any, shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 19(10) of this administrative regulation, but the payment shall not exceed $5,250.

          (b) If an owner-occupant of less than 180 days has received a rental replacement housing payment, the amount of the rental payment shall be deducted from the amount to which he is entitled.

          (c) The combined payments shall not exceed $5,250.


          Section 21. Revisions to Replacement Housing Payment. (1) If the comparable housing used in the Transportation Cabinet's computation is not available at the time of the relocation offer, a new replacement housing payment shall be computed based on available housing which is equal to or better than the dwelling acquired and meets the other comparable criteria.

          (2) When an adjustment is made in the fair market value offer to the owner-occupant because of an administrative settlement, an appeal from the commissioners' award, jury award or similar reason the replacement housing payment shall be recomputed based on the new acquisition price.


          Section 22. Replacement Housing Payments - Increased Interest Payments. Increased interest payments are provided to compensate a displaced person for the increased interest costs he is required to pay for financing a replacement dwelling.

          (1)(a) The increased interest payment shall be allowed only when the dwelling acquired by the Transportation Cabinet was encumbered by a mortgage which was made in good faith without fraud or deceit and which was a valid lien on the dwelling for not less than 180 days prior to initiation of negotiations for the acquisition of the real property, in whole or in part, or at the time a written notice is given of the Transportation Cabinet's intent to acquire the property and the displaced person obtains a mortgage on his replacement dwelling at a higher interest rate than the mortgage rate on the dwelling acquired by the Transportation Cabinet.

          (b) All mortgages on the dwelling acquired by the Transportation Cabinet shall be considered in computing the increased interest cost portion of the replacement housing payment.

          (c) In the case of a home equity loan, the unpaid balance shall be that balance which existed 180 days prior to the initiation of negotiations or the balance on the date of acquisition, whichever is less.

          (2) In determining the amount of the increased interest payment, the computation shall be based on the monthly payment of the old mortgage, the remaining term of the old mortgage or term of new mortgage, whichever is shorter, and the old and new interest rates. Most increased interest payments shall also be based on the unpaid mortgage balance on the displacement dwelling. However, if the new mortgage amount is less, the payment shall be reduced accordingly.

          (3) Documentation of the terms, amount, and interest rate for the existing and new mortgages shall be submitted on a form prescribed and furnished by the Transportation Cabinet. This form shall be completed for the existing and new mortgages and signed by a representative of the lending agency. When a loan is included in a land contract, a copy of the contract may be used for documentation.

          (4) Payment for purchaser's points, loan origination fees or assumption fees but not seller's points, shall be paid to the extent that:

          (a) They are not paid as incidental expenses;

          (b) They do not exceed rates normal to real estate transactions in the area; and

          (c) They are determined to be necessary; and

          (d) The points and fees are based on the unpaid mortgage balance on the displacement dwelling, less the amount of the mortgage payment computed in this section.

          (5) To document these charges in subsection (4) of this section, the Transportation Cabinet shall be provided a copy of the lending agency's closing statement.

          (6) The interest rate on the mortgage for the replacement dwelling to be used in the computation shall be the actual interest rate but shall not exceed the prevailing fixed interest rate currently charged by mortgage lending institutions in the area in which the replacement dwelling is located.

          (7) Increased interest payments normally shall be made directly to the displaced person. However, upon written request from the displaced person the payment may be made directly to the mortgagee of the replacement dwelling or may be paid into escrow prior to the displaced person's moving.

          (8)(a) If the dwelling acquired is located on a tract normal for residential use in the area and only a portion of the tract is acquired by the Transportation Cabinet, the mortgage balance shall be reduced by the percentage ratio the acquisition price bears to the before value of the total tract. The reduction shall not apply when the mortgagee requires the entire mortgage balance to be paid because of the acquisition and it is necessary to refinance.

          (b) If a dwelling is located on a tract larger than normal for residential use in the area and only a portion of the tract is acquired by the Transportation Cabinet, the total mortgage balance shall be reduced to the percentage ratio that the value of the residential portion bears to the before value. This reduction shall apply whether or not it is required that the entire mortgage balance be paid.

          (9) The interest payment on multiuse properties shall be reduced to the percentage ratio the residential value of the multiuse property bears to the before value.

          (10)(a) If a dwelling is located on a tract where the fair market value is established on a higher and better than residential use, and if the mortgage is based on residential value, the interest payment shall be computed as shown in subsection (8)(b) of this section.

          (b) If the mortgage interest rate is obviously based on the higher use, the interest payment shall be reduced to the percentage ratio that the estimated residential value of the parcel has to the before value of the parcel.


          Section 23. Replacement Housing Payments - Incidental Relocation Expenses. The incidental expenses which may be paid are those necessary and reasonable costs actually incurred by the displaced person incidental to the purchase of a replacement dwelling and customarily paid by the buyer.

          (1) The type of incidental expenses eligible for payment shall include:

          (a) Legal, closing, and related costs, including those for title search, preparing conveyance instruments, notary fees, preparing surveys and plats and recording fees;

          (b) Lender, Federal Housing Administration, or Veteran's Administration application and appraisal fees;

          (c) Loan origination or assumption fees that do not represent prepaid interest;

          (d) Certification of structural soundness and termite inspection when required;

          (e) Credit report;

          (f) Owner's and mortgagee's evidence of title, e.g., title insurance, not to exceed the costs for preparation of title insurance of a comparable replacement dwelling;

          (g) Escrow agent's fee;

          (h) State revenue or documentary stamps, sales on transfer taxes (not to exceed the costs for a comparable replacement dwelling); and

          (i) Other costs as determined by the Transportation Cabinet to be incidental to the purchase.

          (2)(a) An owner-occupant of 180 days or more who has a mortgage on the dwelling acquired and who places a mortgage on his replacement dwelling shall be reimbursed for the necessary and reasonable incidental expenses incurred when obtaining a mortgage on his replacement dwelling.

          (b) An owner-occupant of 180 days or more who has no mortgage on the acquired dwelling, but who places a mortgage on his replacement dwelling shall not be reimbursed for the incidental expenses of obtaining his loan.

          (c) An owner-occupant of less than 180 days, or a tenant-occupant of more than ninety (90) days who chooses to purchase a replacement dwelling may be reimbursed for eligible incidental expenses if they are included in the down payment. However, the total of the down payment and incidental expenses is limited to a maximum of $5,250.


          Section 24. Replacement Housing Payments - Rental Payments. (1) A tenant or owner-occupant displaced from a dwelling is entitled to a payment not to exceed $5,250 for rental assistance, if the displaced person:

          (a) Actually and lawfully occupied the displacement dwelling for at least ninety (90) days immediately prior to the initiation of negotiations; and

          (b) Has rented or purchased and occupied a decent, safe and sanitary replacement dwelling within one (1) year after the date he moves from the displacement dwelling if he is a tenant; or

          (c) In the case of an owner-occupant, has rented or purchased and occupied decent, safe and sanitary dwelling within one (1) year of the later of the date he received final payment for the displacement dwelling, or in the case of condemnation, the date the full amount of the estimate of just compensation is deposited with the court; or the date he moved from the displacement dwelling.

          (2) The base monthly rental for the displacement dwelling shall be the least of the three (3) computations below:

          (a) The average monthly cost for rent and utilities at the displacement dwelling for a reasonable period prior to displacement using either actual or fair market rent. For a tenant who paid little or no rent for the displacement dwelling, fair market rent shall be used unless it would result in a hardship due to his personal income or other circumstances; or

          (b) Thirty (30) percent of the person's average monthly gross household income. If a person refuses to provide evidence of income or is a dependent, the base monthly rent shall be the average monthly cost for rent or utilities. A full-time student or resident of an institution may be assumed to be a dependent, unless the person demonstrates otherwise; or

          (c) The total of the amount designated for shelter and utilities if receiving a welfare assistance payment from a program that designates the amount for shelter and utilities. The base monthly rental shall include any rent supplement supplied by others unless the supplement is to be discontinued upon vacation of the property.

          (3)(a) To compute the rental assistance payment, from the amount the displaced person actually pays for a rental replacement dwelling including the estimated average monthly utilities or, if less, the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to rent a comparable dwelling including the estimated average monthly utilities the Transportation Cabinet shall subtract the base monthly rent of the acquired dwelling as determined in subsection (2) of this section.

          (b) Then the cabinet shall multiply that amount by forty-two (42) to determine the actual payment.

          (c) For owner-occupants the cabinet shall use the actual or fair market rent instead of the base monthly rent when computing the payment amount.

          (d) In determining the amount necessary to rent a comparable dwelling the Transportation Cabinet shall examine, if available, three (3) comparable rental properties.

          (e) Only when the local housing market does not contain three (3) comparable rental properties may the Transportation Cabinet determine the payment based on less than three (3).

          (4) The disbursement of rental replacement housing payments may be in a lump sum payment, or in installments. The full amount vests immediately, whether or not there is any later change in the person's income or rent, or in the condition or location of the person's housing.


          Section 25. Replacement Housing Payments - Down Payment Assistance. (1) Down payment assistance may be given to a tenant-occupant of ninety (90) days or more who purchases a replacement dwelling.

          (2)(a) A displaced person eligible for rental replacement housing payment under Section 24 of this administrative regulation may receive a down payment assistance payment not to exceed $5,250.

          (b) In order to receive this payment, the full amount of the payment shall be applied toward the purchase price of the replacement dwelling and related incidental expenses.

          (c) If the rental assistance payment computed under Section 24 of this administrative regulation would be zero dollars, the displaced person is entitled to receive the $5,250 for a down payment.

          (3) A displaced person eligible to receive a replacement housing payment as a 180 or more day owner-occupant is not eligible for this payment.


          Section 26. Replacement Housing Payment - Sleeping Room Tenant. A displaced person who has occupied a sleeping room for ninety (90) days or more and who is eligible to receive a replacement housing payment, may receive an amount not to exceed $5,250 as a rent supplement, or to enable him to make a down payment on a replacement dwelling. The provisions of Sections 24 or 25 of this administrative regulation shall be followed.


          Section 27. Mobile Homes - General. (1) The general provisions for moving expense payments to owners and tenants of conventional dwellings shall be applicable to owners or tenants of mobile homes.

          (2) If it is determined that a sufficient portion of a mobile home park is taken that the remainder is not sufficient to continue the operation, and a mobile home in the remaining part of the park is required to be moved as a result of the project, the owner and any tenant shall each be considered a displaced person. A mobile home may be considered a replacement dwelling provided it is substantially a decent, safe and sanitary dwelling.

          (3) The ownership or tenancy of the mobile home (not the land on which it is located) shall determine the occupant's status as an owner or a tenant. The length of ownership and occupancy of the mobile home or the mobile home site shall determine the occupant's status as a 180 day or ninety (90) day owner or tenant. The mobile home shall have been occupied on the same site (or in the same mobile home park) for the requisite 180 days or ninety (90) days to make the occupant eligible for a replacement housing payment or rent supplement.

          (4) A nonoccupant-owner of a mobile home is eligible for an actual cost moving expense payment.

          (5) If the person is displaced from a mobile home park, a nonreturnable mobile home park entrance fee is reimbursable provided it does not exceed the fee at a comparable park or if the Transportation Cabinet determines that it is necessary to pay the fee to effect relocation.

          (6) There is no limit to the distance of the move of the displaced person. However, a relocation assistance moving expense payment shall be computed on a move of a distance of no more than fifty (50) miles, except when it is determined that the relocation cannot be accomplished within a fifty (50) mile radius. Beyond the fifty (50) mile radius, approval for a distance payment shall be limited to the nearest available mobile home site.

          (7)(a) If a comparable replacement mobile home is not available, the replacement housing payment shall be computed on the basis of the reasonable cost of a comparable conventional dwelling.

          (b) If it is determined that it would be practical to relocate the mobile home, but the owner-occupant elects not to do so, the cost of a comparable replacement dwelling shall be assumed to be:

          1. The sum of the value of the mobile home;

          2. The cost of any necessary repairs or modifications; and

          3. The estimated cost of moving the mobile home to a replacement site.

          (c) If a mobile home is not actually acquired, but the occupant is considered displaced under this administrative regulation, the initiation of negotiations shall be the date of the initiation of negotiations to acquire the land, or, if the land is not acquired, the date the occupant is notified in writing that he is a displaced person for the purpose of these procedures.

          (d) If the owner is reimbursed for the cost of moving the mobile home under this administrative regulation, he is not eligible for a replacement housing payment to assist in purchasing or renting a replacement mobile home. The person may, however, be eligible for assistance in purchasing or renting a replacement site.

          (8) There may be other combinations of ownership of occupancy relating to mobile homes not covered in these procedures. In these cases, the Transportation Cabinet shall make every effort to treat the displaced person in a manner consistent with the other provisions of this section.


          Section 28. Mobile Home Moving Expense Payments. (1)(a) The general provisions for moving expense payments to owners and tenants of conventional dwellings shall also be applicable to owners and tenants of mobile homes.

          (b) A displaced individual or family occupying a mobile home may receive payment for the actual, reasonable expense of moving their personal property.

          (c)1. If an owner-occupied mobile home is considered personal property, the cost of moving the mobile home shall be reimbursable.

          2. A reasonable payment may be made to the occupant for packing and securing personal property within a mobile home prior to its move.

          (d) If the owner chooses to move the mobile home, it shall be moved by an entity granted authority as a Kentucky for-hire motor carrier by the Department of Vehicle Regulation.

          (e) The owner may choose the mover, and receive reimbursement for the actual, reasonable expenses. Request for payment of actual cost moving expenses shall be supported by receipted bills.

          (f) Prior to authorizing a move of a mobile home, the Transportation Cabinet shall determine:

          1. The items of personal property to be moved, including the mobile home and any items stored in accessory buildings; and

          2. Determine that the mobile home mover holds authority from the Department of Vehicle Regulation as a for-hire motor carrier and obtain from him an estimate of the moving costs.

          a. This estimate shall include any necessary utility service connections.

          b. If this estimate is not reasonable, the cabinet may approach another mobile home mover or renegotiate the price.

          (2) If the mobile home is not acquired, but the mobile home owner-occupant obtains a replacement housing payment under one (1) of the circumstances described in Section 29(2)(c) of this administrative regulation, the owner shall not be eligible for payment for moving the mobile home, but may be eligible for payment for moving personal property from the mobile home.

          (3) However, the following expenses shall be eligible for an actual cost moving expense payment:

          (a) The reasonable cost of disassembling, moving, and reassembling any attached appurtenance, such as a porch, deck, skirting, or awning; anchoring of the unit; and utility hookup charges; and

          (b) The reasonable cost of repairs or modifications if a mobile home requires repairs or modifications so that it can be moved or made decent, safe and sanitary, and it is determined that it would be economically feasible to incur the additional expense.

          (3) Arrangements may be made between the Transportation Cabinet, the displaced person, and the mover so that the displaced person may present an unpaid moving bill to the Transportation Cabinet for direct payment to the mover.

          (4) An application for moving expense payments may be submitted in advance of the move so that payment is made available immediately upon completion of the move. In some unusual circumstances, and with prior approval of the Transportation Cabinet, moving expense payments may be made prior to the actual move.

          (5)(a) If a mobile home is considered real property, acquired by the Transportation Cabinet and included in the appraised value of the site, and if the owner repurchases the mobile home from the Transportation Cabinet, the cost of moving the mobile home shall not be eligible for moving expense payments.

          (b)1. If the owner uses the mobile home to move personal property, the cost of moving the personal property shall be considered eligible for reimbursement.

          2. Payment shall be computed from the fixed-rate residential move schedule set forth in Section 10 of this administrative regulation.

          (6) If the landowner occupies the mobile home and the mobile home is acquired by the Transportation Cabinet or if a tenant-occupant of a mobile home is displaced, the displaced person shall move his personal property from his mobile home by one (1) of the following methods:

          (a) The displaced person may elect to move his personal belongings by the use of a commercial mover as prescribed in Section 10(4) of this administrative regulation.

          (b) The displaced person may elect to move his personal property from the mobile home according to the fixed-rate schedule set out in Section 10(5) of this administrative regulation. The room count of furniture shall be based on the actual number of furnished rooms. A small detached shed or building used to store such things as lawn mowers, lawn chairs, hoses, etc., shall be considered as an additional room, if the shed or building contains sufficient personality as to constitute a room.


          Section 29. Mobile Home Replacement Housing and Rent Supplement Payments. (1) The replacement housing or rent supplement payment for a mobile home shall be computed in two (2) parts:

          (a) The replacement housing or rent supplement payment for the mobile home shall be computed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Sections 16 and 19 through 26 of this administrative regulation.

          (b) The replacement housing or rent supplement payment for the mobile home site shall be computed based on comparable sites, but the total payment shall be limited to the maximums established in this administrative regulation according to the displaced person's ownership or tenancy of the land.

          (c) The sum of these two (2) parts shall not exceed the $5,250 or $22,500 limit set for rent supplement or replacement housing payments. The total of these two (2) parts shall not exceed $22,500.

          (2) A mobile home owner-occupant who has owned and occupied the mobile home for 180 days or more shall be eligible for a replacement housing payment not to exceed $22,500 provided:

          (a) The displaced person owns the displacement mobile home and occupied it on the displacement site at least 180 days immediately prior to the initiation of negotiations;

          (b) The displaced person meets the other basic eligibility requirements in Section 19 of this administrative regulation; and

          (c) The Transportation Cabinet acquired the mobile home as real property, or the mobile home is not acquired by the Transportation Cabinet but the owner is displaced because it is determined that the mobile home:

          1. Is not and cannot economically be made decent, safe and sanitary; or

          2. Cannot be relocated without substantial damage or unreasonable cost; or

          3. Cannot be moved because there is no available comparable replacement site; or

          4. Cannot be relocated because it does not meet mobile home park entrance requirements.

          (d) If the mobile home is not actually acquired, the acquisition cost of the displacement dwelling used for the purpose of computing the price differential amount, shall include the salvage value or trade-in value of the mobile home, whichever is higher.

          (3) A displaced owner-occupant of 180 days or more of a mobile home and site who meets the provisions of subsection (2) of this section:

          (a) Shall be eligible for replacement housing payments for the following specific items:

          1. The additional costs necessary to purchase replacement housing in accordance with Section 19 of this administrative regulation;

          2. The amount necessary to compensate him for the loss of favorable financing on his existing mortgage in the financing of replacement housing under the provisions of Section 22 of this administrative regulation; and

          3. An amount to reimburse the owner for incidental expenses incurred in the purchase of replacement housing in accordance with Section 23 of this administrative regulation.

          (b) Who is eligible for a replacement housing payment and who elects to rent is eligible for a rental replacement housing payment, not to exceed $5,250.

          (4) If the Transportation Cabinet acquires both the mobile home and site from the owner-occupant of 180 days described in subsection (2) of this section, the replacement housing payment shall be computed as follows:

          (a) If the owner purchases replacement housing the amount, if any, which when added to the amount for which the Transportation Cabinet acquired his mobile home and site equals the lesser of the amount the owner is required to pay for a decent, safe and sanitary replacement mobile home and site, or if a mobile home and site are not available, the cost of a conventional dwelling, and the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to purchase a comparable mobile home and site or conventional dwelling in accordance with the provisions of Section 19 of this administrative regulation.

          (b) If the owner elects to rent, the Transportation Cabinet shall compute the rental replacement housing payment by subtracting the fair market rent, including utilities as determined by the Transportation Cabinet from the amount the displaced person actually pays for a rental replacement dwelling, including estimated average monthly utilities, if less, the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to rent a comparable mobile home and mobile home site or conventional dwelling, including the estimated average monthly utilities multiplied by forty-two (42).

          (5) If the Transportation Cabinet from the owner-occupant of 180 days or more described in subsection (2) of this section acquires the site, but not the mobile home situated upon the site, and the mobile home is required to be moved, the replacement housing payment shall be computed as follows:

          (a) If the owner purchases a replacement site, the amount, if any, which when added to the amount for which the Transportation Cabinet acquired his mobile home site equals the lesser of the amount the owner is required to pay for a comparable site, or the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to purchase a comparable mobile home site;

          (b) If the owner elects to rent a replacement site, the rental replacement housing payment shall be computed by subtracting the fair market rent including utilities as determined by the Transportation Cabinet from the amount the displaced person actually pays for a rental site, including the estimated average monthly utilities or if less, the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to rent a comparable mobile home site, including the estimated average monthly utilities. To compute the actual payment the cabinet shall multiply that amount by forty-two (42).

          (6) If an owner-occupied mobile home situated on a rental site is acquired from the owner-occupant of 180 days described in subsection (2) of this section, the replacement housing payment shall be computed as follows:

          (a) If the owner purchases a replacement mobile home, the amount, if any, which when added to the amount for which the Transportation Cabinet acquired the mobile home equals the lesser of the actual amount the owner is required to pay for a replacement dwelling, or the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to purchase a comparable mobile home, plus a site rental payment computed by subtracting the actual or fair market rent, including utilities as determined by the Transportation Cabinet from the amount the owner pays for a rental site including the estimated average monthly utilities or if less, the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to rent a comparable mobile home site, including the estimated average monthly utilities. To determine the actual payment the Transportation Cabinet shall multiply that amount by forty-two (42). The owner of the mobile home may choose to purchase a comparable mobile home site as an alternative to renting a site. If so, to receive the replacement housing payment, the full amount of the payment shall be applied toward the purchase price of the replacement lot and related incidental expenses. Also, the displaced person shall purchase the lot and place his mobile home on the replacement lot. This payment shall be limited to $5,250.

          (b) If the owner elects to rent a replacement mobile home, the rent supplement payment shall be computed by subtracting the actual or fair market rent, including utilities as determined by the Transportation Cabinet from the amount the displaced person pays for a rental mobile home and site, including the estimated average monthly utilities or if less, the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to rent a comparable mobile home and site including the estimated average monthly utilities. The Transportation Cabinet shall then multiply that amount by forty-two (42) to compute the actual payment.

          (7) If the Transportation Cabinet acquires the site where the owner-occupant of 180 days of a mobile home described in subsection (2) of this section rents the site but the cabinet does not acquire the mobile home, the replacement housing payment shall be determined as follows:

          (a) If the owner of the mobile home elects to purchase a replacement site, the replacement housing payment shall be a down payment assistance payment not to exceed $5,250 if the owner of the mobile home purchases and occupies the replacement site within one (1) year. The full amount of the payment shall be applied to the purchase of a replacement mobile home site and related expenses.

          (b) If the owner of the mobile home elects to rent a replacement site, the rental replacement housing payment shall be determined by subtracting the actual or fair market rent including utilities as determined by the Transportation Cabinet from the amount the owner pays for a rental mobile home site including the estimated average monthly utilities, or if less, the amount determined by the cabinet as necessary to rent a comparable mobile home site including utilities. The Transportation Cabinet shall then multiply that amount by forty-two (42).

          (8)(a) A displaced owner-occupant of a mobile home who has occupied for less than 180 days the mobile home on the site from which he is being displaced, and who is otherwise eligible under the provisions of Section 19 of this administrative regulation is eligible for a replacement housing payment not to exceed $5,250.

          (b) The replacement housing payment may enable him to make a down payment on the purchase of replacement housing in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection and reimburse him for the actual expenses incidental to the purchase.

          (c) If he elects to rent, a rental replacement housing payment shall be determined as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection. The payment is to be computed and disbursed in accordance with the provisions of Section 24 of this administrative regulation.

          (d) When the cabinet is acquiring both the mobile home and site from the owner-occupant, the displaced person eligible for a rental replacement housing payment may receive a down payment assistance payment not to exceed $5,250 only if the full amount of the payment is applied to the purchase price of the replacement dwelling and related incidental expenses. The amount for which he is eligible shall be limited to the amount he would receive if he were an owner-occupant of 180 days or more.

          (e) If the Transportation Cabinet acquires the mobile home and site from the less than 180 days owner-occupant, a rental replacement housing payment shall be computed by subtracting the monthly fair market rent of the mobile home and site including utilities as determined in by the cabinet from the amount the owner actually pays for a rental mobile home and site including the estimated average monthly utilities or if less, the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to rent a comparable mobile home and site, including the estimated average monthly utilities. To compute the actual payment the Transportation Cabinet shall multiply this amount by forty-two (42).

          (9) If the Transportation Cabinet acquires the site but not the mobile home from the owner-occupant described in subsection (2) of this section except that he had occupied the mobile home for less than 180 days, the replacement housing payment shall be determined as follows:

          (a) If the owner purchases conventional replacement housing or purchases a site to which the mobile home is moved, the replacement housing payment shall be determined as in subsection 8(a) of this section.

          (b) If the owner elects to rent replacement housing, a rental replacement housing payment shall be computed by subtracting the monthly fair market rent of the acquired site, including utilities as determined by the cabinet from the amount the displaced person actually pays for a rental replacement mobile home site, including the estimated average monthly utilities, or if less, the amount determined by the Transportation Cabinet as necessary to rent comparable mobile home site including the estimated average monthly utilities. To compute the actual payment the Transportation Cabinet shall then multiply this amount by forty-two (42).

          (10) A displaced tenant of a mobile home who has occupied for at least ninety (90) days the mobile home on the site from which he has been displaced and who is otherwise eligible under the provisions of Section 24(1) of this administrative regulation, is eligible for a replacement housing payment, not to exceed $5,250. The rental replacement housing payment shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 24 of this administrative regulation. If the displaced person elects to purchase a replacement dwelling, he shall receive a payment in accordance with Section 25 of this administrative regulation.


          Section 30. Last Resort Housing. The last resort housing procedures of this section shall be implemented when it is determined that a Transportation Cabinet project cannot proceed to actual construction because comparable replacement sale or rental housing, within the monetary limits is not available and the housing cannot otherwise be made available. A person cannot be required to move from his dwelling unless at least one (1) comparable replacement dwelling is made available to the person.

          (1) If comparable decent, safe, and sanitary housing is not available, any decision to provide last resort housing assistance shall be justified either:

          (a) On a case-by-case basis, during which consideration has been given to:

          1. Availability of comparable housing in the area of the project;

          2. Resources available to provide comparable housing; and

          3. Individual circumstances of the displaced person; or

          (b) It is determined that:

          1. There is little, if any, comparable replacement housing available to a displaced person within an entire project area. Therefore, a case-by-case justification for last resort housing assistance is not necessary;

          2. A project cannot be advanced to completion in a timely manner without last resort housing assistance; and

          3. The method selected for providing last resort housing assistance is cost effective, considering all elements which contribute to total project costs.

          (2) A displaced person shall not be deprived of any rights the person may have under KRS 56.610 to 56.760. A displaced person shall not be required, without the person's written consent, to accept a dwelling provided by the Transportation Cabinet under the procedures described in subsection (3) of this section in lieu of any acquisition payment or any relocation payment for which the person may be eligible;

          (3) The methods of providing last resort housing include, but are not limited to:

          (a) A replacement housing payment in excess of the limits set forth in Sections 19 and 24 of this administrative regulation. Rental assistance subsidy in last resort housing may be provided in installments or in a lump sum as determined by the Transportation Cabinet;

          (b) Rehabilitation of or addition to an existing replacement dwelling;

          (c) Construction of a new replacement dwelling;

          (d) The provision of a direct loan, which requires regular amortization or deferred repayment. The loan may or may not be secured by the real property. The loan may or may not be

    interest free;

          (e) The relocation and, if necessary, rehabilitation of a dwelling;

          (f) The purchase of land or a replacement dwelling by the Transportation Cabinet and subsequent sale or lease to or exchange with a displaced person;

          (g) Removal of barriers to the handicapped; and

          (h) The change in status of the displaced person from tenant to homeowner when it is more cost effective to do so, as in cases where a down payment may be less expensive than a last resort rental assistance payment.

          (4) Under special circumstances, modified methods of providing housing of last resort permit consideration of:

          (a) Replacement housing based on space and physical characteristics different from those in the displacement dwelling;

          (b) Upgraded, but smaller replacement housing that is decent, safe and sanitary and adequate to accommodate the individuals or families displaced from marginal or substandard housing with probable functional obsolescence; or

          (c) For the displaced person who is ineligible for a rent supplement or a replacement housing payment (for example, a tenant of less than ninety (90) days or a person who occupies the property subsequent to the initiation of negotiation) when comparable rental replacement housing is not available at rental rates within the person's financial means. The housing provided shall be comparable housing. To determine if a tenant in this category is entitled to a replacement housing payment, the Transportation Cabinet shall subtract thirty (30) percent of the person's gross monthly household income from the cost of a comparable replacement dwelling and multiply the difference by forty-two (42). There shall not be a prohibition against making direct payments to a displaced person under last resort housing. Each case shall be reviewed to determine if it is the best interest of the person or family. The payment may be made to a third party or in installments.


          Section 31. Appeals. (1) A person may file a written appeal and request for hearing with the Transportation Cabinet in any case in which the person believes that the cabinet has failed to properly determine:

          (a) His eligibility; or

          (b) The amount of the payment required under the provisions of this administrative regulation.

          (2) The Transportation Cabinet shall consider a written appeal regardless of form.

          (3) The appeal shall be filed within sixty (60) days of the date of his written notice from the Transportation Cabinet of the cabinet's determination on the person's claim.

          (4) A person may be represented by legal counsel or other representative in connection with his appeal, but solely at his own expense.

          (5) The administrative hearing shall be held in accordance with the provisions of KRS Chapter 13B.

          (6) The Transportation Secretary or his representative, who shall not have been directly involved in the action appealed, shall consider:

          (a) The hearing officer's recommended decision; and

          (b) any written comments received from the involved parties in making his final ruling.

          (8) If the full relief requested in the appeal is not granted, the Transportation Cabinet shall advise the person of his right to seek judicial review pursuant to the provisions of KRS Chapter 13B. (13 Ky.R. 103; eff. 8-12-86; Am. 15 Ky.R. 1152; eff. 12-2-88; 2269; eff. 7-7-89; 16 Ky.R. 2714; eff. 8-9-90; 17 Ky.R. 1812; eff. 1-6-91; 3026; eff. 6-4-91; 19 Ky.R. 209; 869; eff. 10-8-92; 20 Ky.R. 397; 745; eff. 10-5-93; 21 Ky.R. 2176; 2682; eff. 5-2-95; 22 Ky.R. 963; eff. 1-8-96; 23 Ky.R. 3899; eff. 7-1-97.)


      RELATES TO: KRS 56.610-56.760, 49 C.F.R. Part 24

      STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 56.690, 183.024, 49 C.F.R. Part 24

      NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: The Transportation Cabinet is required to adopt administrative regulations and procedures to implement the provisions of KRS 56.610 to 56.760 with regard to providing for uniform relocation assistance services and compensation to persons displaced by the land acquisition programs of the Transportation Cabinet. This is accomplished in this administrative regulation. The provisions of the federal uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition policies act are applicable to land acquisition projects funded with federal monies. This administrative regulation expands the relocation assistance program to include the land acquisition projects of the Transportation Cabinet which are funded exclusively with state funds. This has been done so that the same benefits will be provided to all persons being relocated by the Transportation Cabinet regardless of the source of funding.