Chapter 34. Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Storage, Treatment and Disposal Facilities  

005. Definitions for 401 KAR Chapter 34
010. General provisions for facilities
020. General facility standards
030. Preparedness and prevention
040. Contingency plan and emergency procedures
050. Manifest system, recordkeeping and reporting
060. Releases from solid waste management units
070. Closure and postclosure
080. General financial requirements
090. Closure financial requirements
100. Postclosure financial requirements
110. Use of a mechanism for closure and postclosure
120. Liability requirements
130. Incapacity of owners or operators, guarantors, or financial institutions
180. Use and management of containers
190. Tank systems
200. Surface impoundments
210. Waste piles
220. Land treatment
230. Landfills
240. Incinerators
245. Containment buildings
250. Miscellaneous units
275. Air emission standards for process vents
280. Air emission standards for equipment leaks
281. Air emission standards for tanks, surface impoundments, and containers
285. Drip pads
287. Special provisions for cleanup
290. Recordkeeping instructions
320. Cochran's approximation to the Behrens-Fisher Students' T-Test
330. Examples of potentially incompatible waste
340. Appendix on political jurisdictions and demonstration of compliance with the seismic standards
350. Treatment of nerve and blister agents
360. List of hazardous constituents for groundwater monitoring
370. Hazardous waste munitions and explosives storage