Kentucky Administrative Regulations (Last Updated: August 1, 2016) |
Chapter 2. Nature Preserves Commission |
400 KAR 2:070. The Nature Preserves Commission
Section 1. Officers. (1) The officers of the commission shall be a chairman and a secretary.
(2) The chairman and secretary shall be elected annually by the commission at its first regular meeting in the calendar year.
(3) Duties of officers.
(a) The chairman shall preside at meetings of the commission. In the name of the commission, and subject to its approval, he shall sign the minutes of each meeting, certifying that the minutes have been approved by the commission to be recorded as the minutes of that meeting. On behalf of the commission, and with its consent, he shall approve and sign contracts, memoranda of agreement, Articles of Dedication, natural areas registration certificates, out-of-state travel vouchers, and such other agreements as may be entered into, and approved by, the commission, unless such authority is delegated to the secretary or director of the commission.
(b) The secretary of the commission shall perform the duties of the chairman when the chairman is unable to execute his duties due to absence or other disability. The secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings of the commission in the manner set forth in this regulation. The secretary shall sign the minutes of each meeting, to certify that they are an accurate record of the meeting and are to be recorded as the minutes of the meeting.
Section 2. Director. The commission may hire a full-time director who shall be qualified by training and experience to administer the duties of the commission, which shall include the following:
(1) Employing personnel, upon the advice and consent of the commission;
(2) Approval, as indicated by his signature thereto, of documents necessary to perform the administrative function of the commission, including, but not limited to, time sheets, leave and compensatory time request forms, in-state travel approval, and request for purchase and payment forms;
(3) Signing of documents requiring the signature and approval of the chairman of the commission to certify that the documents have been reviewed by the commission staff;
(4) Managing the day to day affairs of the commission, and its staff;
(5) Preparing a report on the condition of each nature preserve and each registered natural area to be submitted to the commission at its final quarterly meeting in each even numbered year.
(6) Such other duties as may be directed by the commission and recorded in the minutes of its meetings.
Section 3. Meetings. (1) There shall be four (4) quarterly meetings of the commission each year. A schedule of meetings including times and places for the coming year shall be set by the commission at its last meeting of the calendar year. This schedule may be altered upon motion approved by a quorum of the commission.
(2) Special meetings of the commission may be called at such time and place as designated by the chairman or four (4) members of the commission.
(3) Notice of regular quarterly meetings of the commission shall be given to each member of the commission and advisors, in writing by mailing not less than seven (7) nor more than twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting. The notice shall contain a date, time, and place of the meeting, and set forth the agenda of the meeting. Special meetings shall require three (3) days notice.
(4) Minutes of meetings. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of the commission and recorded in volumes kept for that purpose in the office of the commission.
(5) Conduct of meetings.
(a) "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised" shall govern the conduct of all meetings of the commission.
(b) The order of business at all meetings of the commission shall be as follows:
1. Roll call and establishment of a quorum, which shall consist of three (3) members of the commission;
2. Reading and disposition of the minutes of the previous meetings;
3. Report of the director;
4. Old business;
5. New business. (13 Ky.R. 1319; eff. 2-10-87.)
RELATES TO: KRS 146.410, 146.425, 146.430
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 146.425(2), 146.485
NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 146.485 requires the Kentucky Nature Preserves Commission to make and publish regulations for the conduct of commission affairs. This regulation sets forth the administrative structure of the commission and rules for transacting the business of the commission.