201 KAR 39:050. Renewal of licenses, extension of temporary licenses and reinstatement  

Latest version.
  •       Section 1. Renewal of Licenses. A person licensed as an interpreter shall renew that license annually, as required by KRS 309.314(1) by submitting the following to the board:

          (1) A completed License Renewal Application form;

          (2) The renewal fee as established in 201 KAR 39:040;

          (3) Proof of current certification of the licensee as established in 201 KAR 39:030; and

          (4) Documentation of completion of the continuing education requirement established in 201 KAR 39:090.


          Section 2. Grace Period. If a license is not renewed by July 1, it may be renewed during the following sixty (60) day period, in accordance with KRS 309.314, by:

          (1) Complying with the requirements established in Section 1 of this administrative regulation; and

          (2) Submitting the late renewal fee established in 201 KAR 39:040.


          Section 3. (1) Reinstatement. A license not renewed prior to the close of the sixty (60) day grace period, in accordance with KRS 309.314(4), may be reinstated upon:

          (a) Payment of the renewal fee plus a reinstatement fee as established by 201 KAR 39:040, Section 4(1);

          (b) Submission of a completed License Reinstatement Application form to the board;

          (c) Submission of evidence of completion of continuing education as required by 201 KAR 39:090, Section 10; and

          (d) Completion of the requirements of Section 4 of this administrative regulation.

          (2) The board may reinstate a temporary license only if the licensee submits proof sufficient to the board of situations such as:

          (a) Medical disability of the licensee;

          (b) Illness of the licensee or an immediate family member; or

          (c) Death or serious injury of an immediate family member.

          (3) A request for reinstatement of a temporary license involving medical disability or illness shall be:

          (a) Submitted by the person holding a license; and

          (b) Accompanied by a verifying document signed by a licensed physician.


          Section 4. Extensions of Temporary Licenses. (1) Temporary licenses shall expire on July 1 each year. To extend a temporary license, a request for extension shall be submitted by July 1 each year.

          (2) To request an extension of a temporary license:

          (a) A temporary licensee shall submit:

          1. A completed Temporary License Extension Application form;

          2. The appropriate fee set forth in 201 KAR 39:040;

          3. Proof of completion of the continuing education requirements set forth in 201 KAR 39:090;

          4. A letter recommending extension written by the Mentor(s) of Record for the previous licensure term which describes the progress achieved by the mentee. The board may waive this requirement upon submission of proof by the licensee that the licensee has substantially met the goals stated in the plan of supervision; and

          5. A revised plan of supervision for the upcoming licensure year.

          (b) A deaf or hard of hearing temporary licensee shall submit:

          1. Upon applying for a first, second, or third extension:

          a. A completed Temporary License Extension Application form;

          b. The appropriate fee set forth in 201 KAR 39:040;

          c. Proof of completion of the continuing education requirements set forth in 201 KAR 39:090;

          d. A letter recommending extension written by the Mentor(s) of Record which describes the progress achieved by the Mentee. The board may waive this requirement upon submission of proof by the licensee that the licensee has substantially met the goals stated in the plan of supervision; and

          e. A revised plan of supervision for the upcoming licensure year.

          2. Upon applying for a fourth and subsequent extensions:

          a. All requirements listed in paragraph (a) of this subsection; and

          b. Proof of passage of the RID CDI Knowledge Exam.

          (3) The extensions of temporary licenses under this section shall be subject to the term limitations imposed by 201 KAR 39:070, Section 2(2).


          Section 5. Incorporation by Reference. (1) The following material is incorporated by reference:

          (a) "License Renewal Application", January 2013;

          (b) "License Reinstatement Application", March 2013;

          (c) "Temporary License Reinstatement Application", March 2013; and

          (d) "Temporary License Extension Application", March 2013.

          (2) This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at the Division of Occupations and Professions, 911 Leawood Drive, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (28 Ky.R. 1261; Am. 1608; eff. 1-14-2002; 32 Ky.R. 2331; 33 Ky.R. 385; eff. 9-1-2006; 37 Ky.R. 444; 11-5-2010; 38 Ky.R. 1645; 1847; eff. 6-1-2012; TAm eff. 6-1-2012; 39 Ky.R. 1760; 2013; eff. 5-3-2013.)


      RELATES TO: KRS 309.304(5), 309.312, 309.314

      STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 309.304(3), 309.312, 309.314

      NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 309.304(3), 309.312, and 309.314 require the Board of Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to promulgate administrative regulations to carry the provisions of KRS 309.300 to 309.3189; to establish certification requirements for licensure; and to establish renewal and reinstatement fees. This administrative regulation establishes requirements for renewal of licenses, extension of temporary licenses, and reinstatement.