16 KAR 9:070. Kentucky Primary Alternative Certification Program  

Latest version.
  •       Section 1. School District Plan. (1) Submission and approval. A school district certification plan required by KRS 161.048(3) and 161.049(3) shall be submitted to the Office of Teacher Education and Certification in the Kentucky Department of Education for review. The Office of Teacher Education and Certification shall forward all plans that meet review criteria to the Education Professional Standards Board for approval.

          (2) A district plan shall be signed by:

          (a)1. The district superintendent; or

          2. If the plan is submitted by a consortium, each superintendent involved in the consortium; and

          (b) The dean of the teacher education unit at the sponsoring college or university.

          (3) The district plan shall include the following:

          (a) Written evidence that the district has sought joint sponsorship of the program with a college or university;

          (b) The names and qualifications of the individuals who will provide formal instruction to participants;

          (c) A description of the required training program for members of the professional support team;

          (d) A tentative budget to include anticipated personnel costs for the period of time for which approval is requested;

          (e) The name, title, work address, and telephone number of the program director;

          (f) A description of the candidate appeals process;

          (g) Professional support team roles and expectations for each stage of the candidate training program; and

          (h) Time and personnel allocations for permitting Phase 3 candidates to observe an experienced teacher at least one (1) class period per week.

          (4) Review criteria and procedures.

          (a) Office of Teacher Education and Certification staff shall review each plan in terms of:

          1. Compliance with established alternative certification program administrative regulations;

          2. Adequacy of financial and personnel resources; and

          3. Qualifications of training program staff, particularly in the areas of instruction and supervision.

          (b) Office of Teacher Education and Certification staff shall recommend acceptance or denial of the plan to the Education Professional Standards Board along with a rationale for the recommendation.

          (c) The board shall:

          1. Review the staff recommendations;

          2. Approve or deny each plan; and

          3. Transmit the decision and rationale for the decision to the district or group of districts.

          (d) Approval decisions granted by the board shall specify the period for which approval is granted. The approval period shall not exceed five (5) years.

          (e) If the plan is denied approval, it may be revised and resubmitted.

          (5) Extension of approval. The superintendent of a district or superintendents of a group of districts may request an extension of program approval for an additional period not to exceed five (5) years. The request shall include results of program evaluation and a financial impact analysis. Additional assurances of program quality as requested by the Education Professional Standards Board shall be provided.

          (6) Program revisions.

          (a) Significant deviations in program components shall be submitted to the Education Professional Standards Board for approval prior to implementation of program changes.

          (b) The proposed revision along with the corresponding section of the original plan and a rationale for the revision shall be sent to staff in the Office of Teacher Education and Certification for review and presentation to the Education Professional Standards Board for approval.


          Section 2. Professional Support Team. The school district shall assign a professional support team to each candidate.

          (1) Principal.

          (a) The principal, as chair, shall keep records of the following:

          1. All informal classroom observations and critiques;

          2. All formal classroom observations and evaluations; and

          3. Documented changes made in the candidate's professional growth plan.

          (b) At regular intervals, the chair shall convene the candidate and the team to discuss professional progress and modifications in the professional growth plan if needed.

          (2) Experienced teacher. The experienced teacher shall hold current Kentucky certification valid for teaching in the primary grades at Rank I or II levels and shall have at least four (4) years of full-time teaching experience. At least one (1) year of the teaching experience shall be in the district that has employed the candidate and at least one (1) year shall be in a primary school program.

          (3) Instructional supervisor. The instructional supervisor shall hold a valid Kentucky certificate for supervision of instruction and shall have at least one (1) year of prior experience in the employing school district. If an instructional supervisor is not available, the district shall assign a person who holds a valid Kentucky certificate for supervision of instruction and who has held the full-time position of supervisor of instruction for at least one (1) year within the three (3) preceding years.

          (4) College or university faculty member. The college or university representative shall be a full-time or part-time faculty member who has credentials or experiences in child development, early childhood education, or a closely related field. If a faculty member is not available, the district shall assign a person approved by a college or university who has held the position of college faculty member within the preceding three (3) years and whose credentials or experiences are in child development, early childhood education, or a closely related field.

          (5) Training for professional support team.

          (a) Each member of the professional support team shall successfully complete the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP) training for classroom observers.

          (b) Each member of the support team shall successfully complete the written and coding tests for the KTIP prior to service on a professional support team.

          (c) Training for a team member shall not occur after Phase 1 of the candidate training begins.


          Section 3. Procedures for Admission. All candidates for entry into an alternative certification program shall:

          (1) Receive a one (1) year provisional teaching certificate prior to program participation;

          (2) Be classified as Rank IV for salary purposes; and

          (3) Apply to the Office of Teacher Education and Certification in the Kentucky Department of Education for the one (1) year provisional teaching certificate by submitting:

          (a) A completed Form TC-1, with the local district completing Section 4 of this form; and

          (b) The following items with the application:

          1. Official transcripts of all college work;

          2. Written evidence of an offer of employment by a school district with an approved alternative certification program;

          3. Evidence of a criminal record review;

          4. Three (3) recent letters of reference from persons not related to the candidate who are familiar with the candidate's professional work; and

          5. Documentation of the candidate's employment history, including a position description that shows a direct relationship to the subject matter of the candidate’s teaching field for:

          a.(i) The candidate’s current position; or

          (ii) If the candidate is currently unemployed, the position held immediately prior to application for entry to the alternative training program; and

          b. Each position submitted by the candidate to meet the experience requirement.


          Section 5. Professional Growth Plan. (1) An individual professional growth plan shall:

          (a) Be consistent with:

          1. The district plan for assisting a teacher toward proficiency, as required by KRS 156.101(6)(c)6;

          2. The requirements of the New Teacher Standards established in 16 KAR 1:010; and

          3. The district’s approved alternative certification proposal;

          (b) Be developed for each candidate;

          (c) Be discussed with the candidate prior to the beginning of the program;

          (d) Address all phases of the training program; and

          (e) Meet the requirements for formal instruction established in KRS 161.049(5). Formal instruction shall:

          1. Be designed to ensure that the candidate meets the requirements of the new teacher standards established in 16 KAR 1:010; and

          2. Relate directly to the:

          a. Candidate’s professional growth plan; and

          b. Knowledge base of the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP).

          (2) Approval of professional growth plan.

          (a) Each candidate's professional growth plan shall be submitted to the Education Professional Standards Board for review and approval.

          (b) If the board judges that the professional growth plan is not consistent with the approved district plan, the board shall deny approval of the individual plan and the candidacy until an appropriate professional growth plan is approved.

          (c) For each candidate seeking certification through an approved alternative training program, the district shall submit the following to the Office of Teacher Education and Certification:

          1. Identification of the school or an accurate description of another location, in which the candidate shall be trained during the first eight (8) weeks of the program. Reasons for selecting a nonschool site shall be provided;

          2. Identification of the school or an accurate description of another location, in which the candidate shall teach and be trained during the two (2) subsequent eighteen (18) week periods of training;

          3. The proposed daily work load appropriate for Rank IV and a schedule of the candidate for each phase of the training;

          4. A copy of the official letter offering employment to the candidate;

          5. Evidence that the candidate has accepted the offered employment; and

          6. The names and positions of the members of the professional support team to include evidence that each member has successfully completed training and testing for participation in the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program or the required update as established in 16 KAR 7:010.


          Section 6. Candidate Training Program. The candidate training program shall provide essential knowledge and skills in three (3) phases.

          (1) Phase 1 training. The professional support team and the candidate shall meet before the candidate begins Phase 1 training for orientation to the approved training program and to the responsibilities and expectations for each team member and the candidate. Phase 1 training shall comply with KRS 161.049(4)(a) and include the following:

          (a) An introduction to basic teaching strategies through supervised teaching experiences with students.

          (b) Integration of the candidate's supervised teaching experience with formal instruction in child development and learning, basic teaching strategies, classroom management, dealing with diverse learning styles of diverse student populations, student assessment with emphasis on methods of continuous program assessment and authentic assessment tasks, an understanding of school governance including school-based decision making, and the knowledge base for the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program.

          (c) A formal orientation to the policies, organization, curriculum, and student characteristics of the employing district. The orientation shall be supervised or provided by one (1) or more members of the professional support team.

          (2) Phase 2 training. Phase 2 training shall comply with KRS 161.049(4)(b) and include eighteen (18) weeks of formal instruction, informal observations, and critiques of the candidate's performance. Formal instruction, informal observations, critiques, and evaluations shall relate directly to the candidate's professional growth plan and to the New Teacher Standards established in 16 KAR 1:010 and subsection (1)(b) of this section. Phase 2 training shall comply with the following:

          (a) Prior to or during the first week of Phase 2 training, the professional support team shall discuss with the candidate the purpose and expectations of informal observations, critiques, formal observations, and evaluations.

          (b) The candidate shall be visited, informally observed, and critiqued at least once per week by one (1) or more members of the professional support team. During the eighteen (18) week period, each member of the support team shall visit, informally observe, and critique the candidate at least five (5) times.

          (c) Each team member shall schedule a formal observation of the candidate at least once during the first five (5) weeks, once during the second five (5) weeks, and once during the last eight (8) weeks.

          (d) The support team shall meet to formally evaluate the candidate at the end of five (5) weeks, at the end of ten (10) weeks, and at the end of eighteen (18) weeks. After each set of formal evaluations, the support team shall meet with the candidate to discuss evaluation results. Modifications of the candidate's professional growth plan may be needed as a result of the formal evaluations.

          (3) Phase 3 training shall comply with KRS 161.049(4)(c) and include eighteen (18) weeks of formal instruction, informal visits and critiques of classroom performance, and at least two (2) formal observations and evaluations. Phase 3 training shall comply with the following:

          (a) Each member of the professional support team shall informally visit and critique the candidate at least once per month. Each informal observation shall last at least one (1) hour.

          (b) The candidate shall spend at least one (1) class period per week observing an experienced teacher. Teachers selected for observation shall represent a variety of models of primary classrooms and shall be chosen for their ability to demonstrate a variety of exemplary teaching techniques and strategies.

          (c) Each member of the professional support team shall formally observe and evaluate the candidate at least twice.

          (4) Completion of training program.

          (a) The candidate shall take the specialty area test identified in 16 KAR 6:010 no earlier than the Phase 3 training period. The scores required of the candidate shall be those established in 16 KAR 6:010. The professional support team shall not recommend approval for a candidate until passing scores are achieved on all required tests.

          (b) Upon completing the alternative training program, obtaining a passing score on the specialty area test as established in 16 KAR 6:010, and upon receiving a recommendation of approval by the professional support team, the candidate shall be issued a certificate of eligibility for participation in the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program established in KRS 161.030 and implemented through 16 KAR 7:010.

          (5) Informal observation and critique.

          (a) During an informal observation each support team member shall record observations of the candidate's performance in relation to the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program knowledge base and the performance of students in the classroom. Team members may use the classroom observation instrument of the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program. Each informal observation leading to a critique shall be no less than twenty (20) minutes. Visits for informal observations shall be announced and unannounced and shall include the range of times and activities for which the candidate has classroom responsibilities.

          (b) A conference shall be held with the candidate following each informal observation to discuss results. The conference shall occur as soon as possible after the observation in order to assist the candidate in improving classroom performance and the performance of students.

          (6) Formal observation and evaluation.

          (a) Formal observations shall be scheduled in advance with the candidate and shall last no less than one (1) hour each. Team members shall use the classroom observation instrument of the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program during each formal observation and shall provide observation results to the candidate as soon as possible after the end of the formal observation.

          (b) As a part of the formal evaluation, team members shall review the candidate's progress as recorded on observation instruments, notes, and other documents relating to the candidate's classroom performance.

          (c) Each formal evaluation shall consist of the team's written assessment of the candidate's performance as measured through formal and informal observations.

          (d) Following each set of formal evaluations, the team shall meet with the candidate to discuss evaluation results which may lead to modification of the candidate's professional growth plan. The team and the candidate shall plan together for the candidate's professional growth over the following training periods.

          (7) Evaluation report of the candidate.

          (a) The professional support team shall make a recommendation pursuant to KRS 161.049(6).

          (b) All team members shall vote on the final recommendation. If the professional support team fails to achieve a majority vote (3-1 or 4-0) for any recommendation, the decision shall be interpreted as falling under the insufficient category. The team chair shall prepare a narrative describing the vote. Team members may attach an individual position statement to any recommendation. All documents shall be forwarded by the chair to the Education Professional Standards Board for review.


          Section 7. Candidate Appeals Process. (1) The sponsoring district or consortium shall establish an appeal process for candidates in the alternative training program and shall notify the Education Professional Standards Board of this process at the time of application for approval of the program.

          (2) Complaints relative to failure of the sponsoring district or consortium or the professional support team to comply with and follow all prescribed statutory and regulatory requirements and procedures of an approved alternative training program shall be directed to and assessed by the superintendent or designee of the sponsoring district or consortium. The district shall notify the Education Professional Standards Board of all appeals and actions taken as a result of appeals.


          Section 8. Program Evaluation. (1) The district or consortium proposal for an alternative teacher preparation program shall include:

          (a) A schedule for short-range program evaluation, including an evaluation of the effectiveness of the:

          1. Formal instruction in relation to acquisition by the candidate of the knowledge and competencies specified in this administrative regulation;

          2. Supervised teaching;

          3. Assistance provided by the professional support team; and

          4. Candidate in the classroom during the two (2) eighteen (18) week training sessions; and

          (b) A schedule for long-range program evaluation, including an evaluation of the:

          1. Goals of the alternative preparation program; and

          2. Effectiveness of the program in meeting these goals.

          (2)(a) The Education Professional Standards Board shall conduct, or cause to be conducted, periodic reviews of the district training programs which shall include on-site evaluations to verify the quality of the programs.

          (b) The on-site evaluations shall be scheduled in advance with the district to:

          1. Allow sufficient time for the district to provide evaluation results and other necessary records and documents;

          2. Ensure availability of program staff and candidates; and

          3. Provide other facilities for the conduct of evaluation.

          (c) The Education Professional Standards Board shall:

          1. Provide a copy of its evaluation report to the district within thirty (30) working days of receipt of the board's evaluation report;

          2. Review the report and response; and

          3. Take appropriate action. If in the judgment of the board an alternative training program exhibits continuing and insurmountable weaknesses, the board shall direct termination of the program at the end of the school year.


          Section 9. Incorporation by Reference. (1) Form TC-1, revised 7/99, is incorporated by reference.

          (2) This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained at the Education Professional Standards Board, 100 Airport Road, 3rd Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (18 Ky.R. 2903; eff. 5-1-92; Am. 26 Ky.R. 1039; 1418; eff. 1-18-2000; recodified from 704 KAR 20:610, 7-2-2002.)


      RELATES TO: KRS 161.028(1)(a), (c), 161.030, 161.048(3), 161.049

      STATUTORY AUTHORITY: KRS 161.028(1)(a), (c), 161.030, 161.048(3), 161.049

      NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 161.048(3) requires the Education Professional Standards Board to promulgate administrative regulations establishing standards for local district training programs and the approval and evaluation process for an alternative training program for primary teachers. This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for Kentucky's Primary Alternative Certification Program.