12 KAR 2:017. Product purpose statement  

Latest version.
  •       Section 1. The statement of purpose shall contain the specific species and animal class(es) for which the feed is intended as defined in 12 KAR 2:018.


          Section 2. The manufacturer may describe in more specific and common language the defined animal class, species and purpose if the description is consistent with the category of animal class established in 12 KAR 2:018, including the weight range(s), sex, or ages of the animal(s) for which the feed is manufactured.


          Section 3. The purpose statement may be excluded from the label if the product name includes a description of the species and animal class(es) for which the product is intended.


          Section 4. The indication for animal class(es) and specie(s) may be omitted on single ingredient products if the ingredient is not intended, represented, or defined for a specific animal class(es) or specie(s).


          Section 5. The purpose statement of a premix for the manufacture of feed may exclude the animal class and species and state "For Further Manufacture of Feed" if:

          (1) The nutrients contained in the premix are guaranteed and sufficient for formulation into various animal species feeds; and

          (2) Premix specifications are provided by the end user.


          Section 6. The purpose statement of a single purpose ingredient blend, including a blend of animal protein products, milk products, fat products, roughage products or molasses products may exclude the animal class and species and state "For Further Manufacture of Feed" if the label guarantees of the nutrients contained in the single purpose nutrient blend are sufficient to provide for formulation into various animal species feeds.


          Section 7. The purpose statement of a direct fed microbial product shall state "Contains a Source of Live (Viable) Naturally Occurring Microorganisms". This statement may appear elsewhere on the label provided it is sufficiently conspicuous as to render it easily read by the purchaser.


          Section 8. The purpose statement of a product shall include a statement of enzyme functionality if enzymatic activity is represented. (23 Ky.R. 1805; Am. 2705; eff. 1-10-97.)


      RELATES TO: KRS 250.491-250.631


      NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY: KRS 250.571(1) authorizes the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station to promulgate administrative regulations necessary for the efficient enforcement of KRS 250.491 to 250.631, regarding commercial feeds. This administrative regulation establishes uniformity in the product purpose statement that is a required part of the label for commercial feed.